Saturday, 4 May 2019

Judicial punishment in South America by Julie Baker

Three girls experience judicial punishment in South America

 By Julie Baker

My name is Louise Chalmers. I was born in January 1997, which means that I am currently 22 years old. The events that I want to tell you about happened 18 months ago during the summer of 2017, when I was just 20. Before I do this, though, I ought to give you a bit of background information on me and explain how I came to be in a foreign country half way round the world from where I am now.
I’ve got four older brothers and I was the long-awaited daughter who completed my parents’ family. I suppose I was a bit of a tomboy in my early days but when I matured as a teenager I shot up in height and suddenly became very much like my mother to look at, who was a noted beauty in her younger days. She has Scandinavian blood in her ancestry and I have inherited her thick, tousled, blond hair and warm skin complexion. I do a lot of running combined with Pilates so I am supple with firm muscle tone and a compact body. My mother has always told me to use my beauty wisely. It’s a wonderful gift but she warned me that it could lead to unhappiness if it is used in the wrong way. Wise words!
My brothers and I had a very conventional upbringing. My mother is a nurse by profession and my father serves in the British Army as a chaplain in The Royal Army Chaplains’ Department. My father’s career meant that we moved around a lot and I went to several different schools before I reached the age of 13. Like my brothers, I then went away to boarding school, which was funded by the army. I went to a mixed school in Somerset, which I enjoyed immensely. It was first class academically, and the sporting facilities were fantastic. It also had a very strong Christian ethos that ideally suited my background. My personality is quite outgoing but my upbringing has engendered a strong moral compass and a close involvement in the church.
I was Head Girl in my final year in Somerset and had never been in any sort of serious trouble at home or at school. I got three grade ‘A*’s in my A Levels and I got a place to study Geography at Cambridge University. Life could not have been better. I settled into university life without difficulty and soon had a good circle of close friends through athletics and contacts in my department. I even acquired a very nice boyfriend.
It was normal for Geography students to undertake a project during the summer vacation at the end of the first academic year. Depending on anyone’s area of specialty, this might involve fairly local assignments or occasionally a short trip abroad. My area of interest was on the human geography side of the faculty, and in particular studies of developing countries. There were a few bursaries available to students who needed support to travel abroad for their project work and I was fortunate, along with two other girls in my department, to gain funding to travel to South America for three weeks. The funding wasn’t lavish but it was enough to fly us to the capital city of the country and get a three-bed shared room in a reasonably decent hostel. We then had to fund our own living expenses, which seemed reasonable to us.
My two companions proved to be great company. We were all aged 20 but from very different backgrounds. I knew Felicity Hanson-Smith quite well. She was in the same college as me and we had several areas of interest in common. Her family farmed in Sussex in a fairly major way and she always seemed to have plenty of spare cash about her, unlike me! We were close friends before the trip and still are now. Maria Cortez is a bit different to us. She is of Hispanic extraction and a particularly striking-looking girl with dark, sultry looks and quite a volatile personality. Always up to something and looking for the next adventure, a good foil to my more conservative pattern of behaviour. We got to know her well on our trip and by the end we loved her to bits, despite how things turned out for all of us.
This is the first hint for you that the trip did not end well for us. I haven’t named the country that we visited and the reasons for this may become apparent as I take you through the events of those three weeks. We didn’t cover ourselves in glory and were architects of our own downfalls but, nevertheless, how we were treated by the authorities does not reflect well on their judicial system. But given that the initial faults did lay with us it doesn’t feel right to then criticise that country over how we were dealt with and eventually punished. In reality, if you visit a developing country you have to be prepared for their systems to be different from ours.
The trip actually started without incident. We settled into the hostel and got on with collecting data on the lives of young single mothers, trying to manage in the teaming capital city with little in the way of social or financial support from the government. The country is simply too poor to be able to afford these types of payments. Some of the data was collected from libraries and government departments, and some was gathered via street interviews. Maria spoke fluent Spanish, so she did most of this work, backed up by ether Felicity or myself.
We were exhausted by the end of each day. We might occasionally go to one of the tourist bars for a drink after work, but would normally go straight back to the hostel to cook ourselves an evening meal before crashing into bed. We were soon into our last week and Maria suggested that we went for one final big night out in town on our last full day, which was a Thursday. We had bookings for an overnight flight back to Heathrow departing at 8.00pm on the following day.
We were so happy! I’m not a big drinker but I had two large glasses of wine in the bar before the three of us went along the street to the restaurant that Maria had booked for us. I had more wine and was feeling distinctly tipsy as we went back to the original bar for a nightcap, as Maria put it. By then it was past 10 o’clock and the bar was becoming quite noisy. We knew that Maria was partial to smoking the odd joint, and this practice seemed to be quite widespread in the locality. It wasn’t long before she was enjoying a smoke and was offering the same to us. Felicity and I initially declined, but I must confess that we were taking a few drags on the joints she was smoking to see what affect this had on us. This turned out to be a big mistake.
We were three pretty English girls on their own and it was probably fairly obvious to everyone else in the bar that we had all had too much to drink and were dabbling in drugs. Two local boys came to sit at our table. They were mainly talking to Maria as they spoke little English. They were both about our age and very good looking. After a few minutes of chat Maria turned to us.
“They want to have sex with us,” Maria translated for our benefit.
“But there’s three of us and two of them,” I shot back. “How is that going to work?”
There was much laughter when this was relayed back to the boys. The banter went on for a bit, but gradually I could tell that the mood was changing. I think they thought that we had been leading them on and when, eventually, Maria told them that there was no chance of any sex with any of us they looked distinctly upset. At this point, an older man came across and spoke to the boys who then left the bar.
We thought nothing more of it. We had another couple of drinks and shared another joint before gathering ourselves up to return to the hostel. As we got up, three policemen came in. My heart sank. They came straight to our table and told us, in broken English, that they were arresting us on drugs charges. Clearly, those boys had shopped us. Fifteen minutes later, we had been split up and were being held in the main central police station. I was absolutely petrified. The vicar’s daughter from a top British university in a police cell in South America on drugs charges. It doesn’t get much worse!
After half an hour in the cell, I was taken through to an interview room with nothing in it other than a table and three chairs. A male and a female police officer sat on one side of the table and me on the other. Their English was just about adequate, but they refused me an interpreter or any legal representation. The female officer took notes, but the interview was not recorded in any other way. I gave a totally honest and accurate account of the night’s events. I was too frightened to do anything else. I explained why we were in their country, that this was our last night, that I’d had too many glasses of wine and that I had foolishly taken a few puffs of my friend’s joint. I then wondered what would happen next.
Worse was to come, unfortunately. At the end of the interview the female officer left the room and soon returned with a young lady in a white coat. She spoke good English and had a kindly manner.
“I am a doctor, Louise,” she told me. “With these two police officers as witnesses, I need to search you to see if you have any drugs in your possession. Please remove all of your clothes.”
I was horrified. Stripping naked in front of three strangers, one of whom was a man, was simply the most horrific prospect. I could see that I had no choice though. They were on the far side of the table and I decided that this act would be less humiliating if I turned my back towards them. I moved the chair out slightly and stood between the table and the chair, facing the far wall. I took off my blouse and bra, placing them on the seat of the chair. I then took off my trainers and socks. They could see my naked back, but my lower half was still covered by my skinny-fit blue jeans and underwear beneath. I took a deep breath before unfastening my jeans and easing them down to floor level before stooping down to remove them completely. I was then dressed only in a thong.
“Do I need to take my panties off?” I asked over my shoulder. I knew the answer that would likely be coming back and it really wasn’t going to make much difference as my bottom was pretty much on full view anyway.
“Yes, Louise,” the doctor replied. “The regulations for a drugs search state that you have to be totally naked.”
I slipped off my underwear and added this garment to the small pile on the seat of the chair.
I’ll spare you the details of that body search. The lady doctor put on thin latex gloves covered in lubricant and there was no part of my body that didn’t get a thorough search. At the end, I had to stand facing the table with my hands on my head while the female police officer searched my clothes. I looked straight ahead but I could sense the male police officer staring at me intently. His eyes were fixed on my naked breasts and I could only guess what was going through his mind.
Finally the male officer spoke to me as best he could.
“You can get dressed now, Miss Chalmers. Please put on your lower underwear and this prison overall.” He produced an orange set of overalls from beneath the table. “You will spend the night here at the police station and there is a young offenders court that runs in this building in the morning from 9 o’clock. You and your friends will be up in front of the judge, and your punishments will be decided. The clothes that you came here in will be returned to you when you have completed your sentence. Thank you. Have you any questions?”
“No, sir,” I replied.
With this, the male police officer departed and I was left with the other two to get dressed before being escorted out of the interview room. The female officer put my clothes into a sealed bag and I was soon back in my cell. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much that night and when I saw Maria and Felicity in court at 9.30 the following morning, I could see that they were not in good shape either. We were all a bit hung over, tired and petrified about what was going to happen to us next. The court room was nothing very grand; a small wooden dock in the centre of the square room, where we were sat on small stools, plus chairs laid out on either side, and a very substantial ornate table in front of the dock, behind which the judge sat on a high backed chair.
The judge was female, probably in her mid-forties, and spoke perfect English. We were handcuffed, with all three of us dressed in identical orange overalls. We had nobody to chaperone or look after us and we were seemingly at the mercy of this one judge. As soon as she spoke, though, I could tell that we were going to get a fair hearing. She leaned forward and looked over her glasses at us.
“You are three very foolish girls,” she started out with. “I know that you have come here to try to help countries like ours that are not as wealthy as yours. However, we have laws and standards that must be upheld by citizens of our country and visitors alike. We do not tolerate the use of illegal drugs and those caught can expect to be dealt with severely.”
This part was not what I wanted to hear and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. She continued.
“However, all three of you have given a seemingly honest account of the events last night with your three versions showing up virtually no discrepancies, with one exception that I will deal with later. The situation is therefore quite straightforward, and there is no requirement for any more questioning. I will now pass sentence on each of you in turn. Miss Cortez, please stand.”
Maria slowly got to her feet.
“Miss Cortez, you have admitted that you supplied the drugs to your two friends, and drugs were found to be in your possession when you arrived here at the police station. As you are mainly responsible for this situation, you will be given no choice in terms of the punishment that you will be given. You will be taken from here and given 20 strokes of the cane across your buttocks, without protection, and you will spend a total of 28 days in prison. You will then be deported at your cost and not permitted to re-enter this country for the next 10 years Do you understand?”
Maria looked remarkably calm and showed almost no reaction to what she was being told by the judge. I suppose, for supplying drugs to others, this could have been far worse. She confirmed that she understood her punishment and sat down.
“Miss Hanson-Smith, please stand.” Felicity got to her feet and I could see her hands were shaking with nerves. “You initially denied taking any of the drugs, but when faced with a blood test you belatedly told the truth. However, no drugs were found in your possession, which will help to reduce your sentence. You have a choice; 20 strokes of the cane across your buttocks, without protection, or 28 days in prison. I understand that you have a flight home later today. If you take the caning, you are free to collect your possessions later this morning and catch that flight home. If you go to prison, you will have to pay for your own flight back to England. Either way, you will not be permitted to come back here for a total of 5 years. Do you understand, and what is your choice?”
Felicity looked like a rabbit in the headlights. She must have seen something like this coming, given that she had sat and heard Maria’s sentence, but her mouth kept opening and closing, while her eyes flashed frantically around the court room. She seemed to be desperately hoping that something or someone would rescue her. There was a quite a long pause, but eventually she managed to regain her composure.
“Yes, I understand and I’ll take the cane, your honour,” Felicity replied with a trembling, squeaky voice. As she turned to resume her seat, I could see that she was visibly traumatised and her eyes were filled with tears. The pretty English farmer’s daughter, from a very privileged background, in a foreign prison about to have to remove her clothing, including her knickers, so that she could have her bottom caned. Not great!
Finally, it was my turn. I anticipated that my punishment would be less again as I had immediately owned up fully to my part in this debacle. I harboured hopes that I might get away with a warning and be sent packing on the flight home that night. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite that good.
“Miss Chalmers, I will deal with you next,” the judge said. I got to my feet.
“The court would like to thank you for fully co-operating with the police and giving a full and frank account of last night’s events. We also acknowledge that you had a minor role in this affair.”
My spirits and hopes were rising.
“However,” she continued. “You have admitted to taking drugs, and this is illegal in this country. I sentence you to 10 strokes of the cane across your buttocks, without protection, or 14 days in prison. As with the other two, you will need to pay your own costs to get home if you have a term in prison but, unlike the other two, you will be free to return to this country at any time in future if you wish. How do you want to proceed, Miss Chalmers?”
To hear that I, too, was likely to get my bottom caned was expected, but it still managed to shock me in that moment of time. The impending horror flashed in front of my eyes, but I had already made up my mind on how I would proceed if I was given a similar choice to Felicity.
“I’ll take the caning, your honour,” I replied without hesitation.
It was instinctive. I had done wrong and I should take my punishment as quickly and cleanly as possible. A spell in jail seemed horrendous, with many more potential implications going forward. I felt it was a bit like getting caught speeding, but going on a speed awareness course rather than taking the 3 points on your license. However, as I was led away from the court room, I couldn’t help focusing on the phrase ‘without protection’. The reality of what this meant was just sinking in.
The three of us were led down into the basement of that building and through a door labelled ‘Cuadra de Castigo’ (which I later discovered meant ‘Punishment Block’). Beyond the door was a short passageway with two doors leading off on either side, and a door at the end labelled ‘Cuarto de Castigo’ (or ‘Punishment Room’ in English). The only lighting was artificial and the floor consisted of bare concrete. The doors on either side of the passage were numbered 1 to 4 and there was a small window in each door covered with a metal grill. Felicity was ushered into cell 1, Maria went into the cell opposite, which was number 2, and I went into cell 3, which was next to Felicity. I could see Maria across the passage, but we were told that we were not to talk to each other. I couldn’t see Felicity as she was in the next-door cell. However, there were no thoughts of disobeying any orders under those circumstances.
I could see my clothes in a sealed bag on the floor of my cell, and I looked forward to when I could change back into them after this nightmare was over. I sat on a simple stool in the corner and time seemed to stand still. Eventually, I heard a door slam and footsteps in the corridor. I got up and looked through the grill. I caught a glimpse of Felicity as she was escorted out of her cell and through the door into the punishment room. I couldn’t see who was with her, but it looked like three other people. The door closed behind them, but this door also had a grill in it and we could hear a bit of what was happening on the other side.
We heard muffled voices and then a period of silence. Next, we heard the unmistakable whistle of a cane and the impact of it landing on Felicity’s bottom. A split second later, we could hear Felicity’s scream of pain. And she had 19 more strokes to come! She didn’t take that caning quietly. She was bellowing after every stroke, and between strokes she was begging them to stop. They didn’t let up, though, and by the end we could here her sobbing with the pain and humiliation. I remained seated as she returned to her cell so that I couldn’t see her distress. Witnessing her in this state wasn’t going to be any help to me!
A few minutes later, I could hear someone else in the corridor. I got up and it was the lady doctor going into Maria’s room. She spoke to her in Spanish and, a few moments later, the two of them emerged from the cell. Maria didn’t catch my eye, but I could see that she was frightened and, despite her dark colouring, looked distinctly pale. The same routine followed and I knew that the brief period of silence, when the only sound were the now gentle sobs coming from Felicity, was the prelude to the punishment starting. Once again, I counted twenty cane strokes but, apart from the swish of that implement cutting through the air and the sound of cane meeting flesh, there was no other noise coming from that room. Maria took that punishment without a murmur.
I stood at my door and watched the doctor take her back to retrieve her bag of possessions. Unlike Felicity, though, she immediately left with handcuffs applied, presumably to start her prison sentence elsewhere. I didn’t see her again until the autumn term at Cambridge.
I knew then that I was the only one left to be dealt with, and it wasn’t long before my door was unlocked and the lady doctor was addressing me.
“Miss Chalmers, we are ready for you now,” she said in a not unkind voice. “Follow me.”
We went through into the punishment room. The sight that greeted me can only be described as surreal. This time the day before, I was an innocent girl of 20 who had never been in serious trouble, and had certainly not experienced any physical punishment of any sort. And here I was, a day later, about to receive ten cane strokes on my bare bottom.
There were indeed three people in attendance. The lady doctor, another tall female police officer who I hadn’t seen before, and a short, thick-set man dressed in blue work trousers, boots and a white tee shirt. He had a shaved head and looked to be in his mid-forties.
Like most things in that country, the room was nothing lavish. It was about 4 meters square with whitewashed rough stone walls, no windows and a basic concrete floor. It was furnished with two simple wooden benches along the walls, a tall stone vase in one corner containing several long canes, and nothing else apart from what was in the centre of the room. Here, there was a lovely square of Turkish-style carpet laid out. I could see that is was of high quality with a thick, luxurious pile, but it was the item that stood on the carpet that was the most remarkable feature of the room. It was clearly visible because, unlike most of the room which was shadowy at best, this central area was strongly lit by four spot lights set into the ceiling.
There was no doubt about the purpose of the piece of equipment standing in the middle of the carpet square. Without any prior knowledge, I immediately knew that this was a punishment bench. In itself, it was a beautiful piece of furniture. It was just under a metre long, about half a metre wide, and stood at my hip height. Each corner was made up of elegant turned posts made of a reddish hard wood like mahogany, and highly polished, giving a lovely lustre to the smooth surfaces. The top was gently ‘U’ shaped and covered in padded red leather. On each corner post, close to ground level, were short leather straps fastened to the wooden corner pieces and lined with soft foam. It looked like it had been designed with no expense spared, and solely for the comfort of the user!
I’m not sure if anyone else in that room was able to appreciate the irony of this set up. I was about to take a very painful caning, yet this bench was designed to be attractive to look at and provide me with the best experience possible when I was lying on it. Furthermore, there was no danger of my bare feet being disadvantaged as they nestled into the soft carpet. Bizarre!
The lady police officer spoke first. She was a little older than me, maybe about 30, and she also spoke good English.
“Miss Chalmers, you have opted to take 10 strokes of the cane across your buttocks, without protection, rather than spend 14 days in jail. This is your final opportunity to change your mind before I carry out your sentence. What is your decision?”
“I’ll take the cane, thank you, miss,” I replied in as strong a voice as I could manage.
“OK.” She turned to the male attendant. “Please remove her handcuffs.”
He took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and the handcuffs were soon off my wrists.
“Please go over to the bench and stand facing down it, and lower the top half of your overalls to waist level,” she continued.
Once again, I could feel my heart pounding inside my chest. I did as instructed and I was acutely aware that I was now naked from the waist upwards, and that the male attendant, who had taken up a position at the far end of the bench, was staring directly at my naked breasts. This was unsettling and uncomfortable, but there was really nothing that I could do to change the situation.
“Please now bend over the bench, leaving your feet where they are, and letting your arms drop down onto the far side.”
I knew that as soon as I let go of the loosely-fitting overall that gravity would dictate it would end up around my ankles. As I reached forward to take up my position, this is precisely what happened. By the time the weight of my chest was onto the soft leather surface, I was pretty much entirely naked apart from my tiny thong. My head remained unsupported and I was able to move it around to see most parts of the room.
I heard the lady officer say in Spanish, what I took to be: “Fasten her straps.”
I then had the uncomfortable experience of that huge man moving round my exposed body, fastening first my two ankles to the frame of the bench, and finally immobilising my two wrists also. He then stood directly behind me, close to the door where I couldn’t see him, but he had no doubt given himself the best view for what was about to follow.
I glanced across and saw the lady officer sorting through the selection of canes before she removed one that was clearly to her liking. It was a bit longer than I expected, thin with a high degree of flex. I’m not sure what I was hoping for but this looked as though it would be very unpleasant. I was clinging onto the hope that they would grant me a bit of dignity by leaving my underwear in place. No such luck though! The police officer said something in Spanish and I then felt the rough hands of the male attendant against my skin as my thong was being lowered to knee level. I then felt the palm of his hand brushing both sides of my bottom as he seemingly removed a few stray specs of dust from my skin.
I couldn’t move, and my now totally exposed bottom was perfectly presented to receive the cane.
Nothing more was said, and I felt the cane tapping on my bottom. Nothing could have prepared me for that first stroke; a line of pure fire across my skin. The sound of it I was prepared for, having heard it applied to Maria’s and Felicity’s bottoms, but the pain inflicted was way beyond what I was expecting. I was trying to be brave, but I did let out a sharp squeak of anguish. After a few more strikes of the cane, I could feel the tears running down my face and I was keeping up a low moaning sound to try to help me cope.
The police officer was a strong girl, and I could see that she was taking long swings to apply the cane with maximum force. She was leaving about 10 seconds between each stroke, so the whole process must have lasted less than two minutes. That was the worst and longest two minutes of my life. By the end, I was sobbing uncontrollably and, even after my straps had been released, I couldn’t summon the energy to get up off that bench. Eventually, the doctor spoke.
“Alright, Louise, it’s all over now,” she said in a gentle voice as she helped me off the bench and back onto my feet. “Pull up your panties and overalls, and let’s get you back to your cell.”
My poor bottom was throbbing horribly, but I gently eased my thong up and put my arms back through the sleeves of the overall so that I was once again totally covered. I made no eye contact with the other two people in the room and I was soon back in my cell with the doctor.
“Do you want me to rub something into your skin to ease the pain?” she offered kindly.
“No, thank you,” I replied. “I really just want to get back into my own clothes, get out of here, collect my possessions from the hostel, and catch that flight back to England!” I managed to say this with a bit of humour in my voice.
She simply held out her hand. We shook, and as she left me she said: “Good Luck!”
There is not much more to tell really. I met up with Felicity back at the hostel. We didn’t talk much as we were busy packing our things before catching a taxi out to the airport. We were in plenty of time to catch our flight home, and over a coffee we began to compare notes. Our experiences had been similar, apart from the fact that she had taken twice as many cane strokes as me.
“I’m sorry that I made all that fuss,” she said.
“Don’t worry, I couldn’t have taken 20,” I replied. “That was tough for you.”
“Have you had a look at your bottom, Louise,” she then asked.
“No. Have you?”
“Not yet. Shall we nip to the loos and compare cane marks?”
The two of us sneaked into one of the disabled toilets where there was a bit more space. Felicity lowered her jeans and panties first. What a mess! The lines went from top left down to bottom right, presumably because the lady officer was tall and, being right-handed, this would be a natural angle to strike someone with a cane. I could see the odd red line around the margins of her bottom, but mostly it was a mass of inflamed skin around the central part.
I then dropped my trousers and panties. Felicity had a look and reckoned that she could actually count all ten cane marks on my skin. I had a look in the mirror; not a pretty sight!
I would have to say that the long flight home was not comfortable. Our bottoms were still smarting all the way back, and we spent as much time as possible standing at the back of the plane. Remarkably, there were no repercussions when we got home. The tabloid press would no doubt have been delighted to report on three pretty young English girls getting their bottoms caned in a foreign land, but seemingly nothing had been made of it and we were free to carry on our lives.
I didn’t tell my parents about what had happened, and the university were not interested in the detail of our trip because we had completed the work we set out to do. They were none the wiser. Maria was back in time for the autumn term, although her parents must have been aware that she was back a month later than planned. However, we never asked and, apart from checking that she was OK, we concluded that this was, for all of us, an episode best left buried in the past.
The End


  1. I really enjoyed this story. Beautifully written, it really got my "juices" flowing! Now, I just must read more.

  2. Great story. It reminded me of a punishment I received in South Africa in the days of Apartheid.
    White girls were forbidden to liaise with black boys but having heard about their most attractive feature, their well developed penises, my inquisitiveness got the better of me! Unfortunately I was caught in compromising circumstances with Robert, a very "well hung" youth who sported a good 9 very satisfying inches! I can still remember it!
    Caning was the recognised punishment and in Court I was awarded 20 strokes "on the bare".
    In the detention room this was administered by 2 male warders. I was 18 with a well developed figure. They made me strip completely and one of the warders moved behind me and reached round to feel my breasts and nipples. Then I mounted the punishment trestle spreading my legs to the tethers. One of the warders felt my bum cheeks and ran his fingers between them fingering my arsehole and my labia lips! The other commented, "nice!" as he took up the long punishment cane. "Right, it's 20, young lady", he announced. And it was!
    Movement was restricted but I just screamed and sobbed and screamed as the cane came down from above shoulder height. The strokes were laid on my cheeks and thighs. My pussy dripped as I squirted uncontrollably & was told that I ought to get more for that!
    The thrashing over I was lifted off the trestle and taken to a cell where I lay face down and in agony.
    It took months for the cane marks to go, so it was no short skirts, shorts or swimwear for me.
    I am now 86 but memory of that caning, and that 9" penis is still vivid in my mind and the subject of "pleasuring myself" from time to time.
    I am a great fan of "Lanka caning" too.

  3. Wow, Kelly. What an experience at 18! Both the 9" and that awful caning and abuse by the Warders.
    Glad you still enjoy sex at your age. xx

  4. Lovely, but painful, recollections of the old South Africa, Kelly.
    I had a similar caning for liaising with a black South African. I was stripped too and the warders fondled my breasts and fingered my other intimate parts before caning me. Then it was 25 strokes which made me howl and scream. The nurse took me to the sanitorium and treated my lacerated cheeks.
    She was very gentle and, maybe lesbian, because she fingered me to a wonderful moaning orgasm, both below and with my breasts and nipples. I was in the sanitorium for 3 days & enjoyed her ministrations every evening before sleeping. That really eased my pain.

  5. Loved the story, Julie.
    I was caned in S Africa just like Kelly and Ruby. I was only 18 but had heard from friends about black boys "equipment" and just had to find out. Unfortunately I was in his car, & stopped at a police check. I.D Cards showed we were unrelated.
    I was taken to the Police Station and offered an "unofficial" punishment. Reluctantly I agreed so long as my parents were not told. Taken to a small room with just a table in the centre I had to strip completely as the Duty Sergeant watched. Going to a cupboard he got out a long rattan cane.
    Over the table my hands were held by a young female Constable. "You are getting a dozen" I was told, "be ready!"
    The 1st cut into my under-cheeks and I screamed. He continued as I rolled side to side almost turning over, and legs flailing in all directions. What a view he must have had of my bulging pubes!
    The Constable looked red faced, probably imagining herself in that position.
    When it was over she led me to a cell where I lay face down.
    A few minutes later she reappeared with some ointment and began to apply it to my scorched nates.
    I couldn't help opening my legs a little and, obligingly her fingers sought out my lips & clit and she made me orgasm. What a relief that was! She squeezed my sore cheeks and left.
    It was over 2 weeks before I could bear wearing panties so a thong was worn.
    Thankfully my parents never knew of the caning or my "black boy" experiences.
    Did it stop me? No, but only in absolute privacy did I enjoy a wonderful black penis!

  6. Wonderful story Julie and so typical of those times.
    I grew up in S.Africa in those says and like just about every white S. African girl had a fascination with black boys "equipment", so much so that it got me into trouble. Jacob's penis was about 10 inches when erect and SO satisfying for a teen girl. Fortunately I had an "off the record" punishment but that didn't make it less painful. If my parents had known they would have whipped me with a Sjambok, a heavy leather whip which would literally skin a bum!
    As it was I was caned at the Police Station. I was a 19 year old blonde with a 34-24-33 figure so I am sure the Police Sergeant & his P.C. wanted to see more!
    In the punishment room I was told to strip completely whilst they watched intently as I revealed my body.
    They seemed fascinated by my boobs with their dark areolae and each fondled them, weighing them in their hands.
    My pubes were shaved and my flappy labia lips & protruding clit were prominent and fingers were run over them.
    Over the caning bench I was tethered by my wrists and I felt fingers pulling my bum cheeks apart and fingering my arse and pussy making me involuntarily aroused.
    The cane was nearly 4ft long and very whippy. It tapped my bottom twice before being lashed down hard.
    I screamed. And again! And again!...12 searing strokes cut into my cheeks and I fainted!
    I found myself in a cell, laying face down naked. My bum throbbed.
    After a few hours I was released. I could not wear panties for two weeks although putting them in the wash not to alert my parents!
    I still saw Jacob but in private at a friends house, and, yes, his 10" kept me well satisfied!

  7. My goodness, Julie, what an experience but, thankfully, well away from home thus saving you embarrassment and humiliation. I was a serving Police Officer at the time of Apartheid.
    In S.Africa things were different and cases such as those detailed above were very well publicized if brought to Court.
    The Police took advantage of this and offered an unofficial caning in lieu of formal action especially to attractive girls.
    Most girls opted for this despite the possible humiliation as Court appearance would be publicized, parents would know and the family name would be publically brought into disrepute. Often the parents would also whip a girl severely with a Sjambok either before or, usually, after the criminal punishment, maybe even months later as Official Caning left damage taking time to heal. 20 to 30 strokes were not uncommon which left awful bruises and often drew blood. However, a Sjambok almost always cut the skin and if applied over panties would shred the material!
    Unofficial punishment relied on humiliation as well as the cane. Some girls were brazen and gave very crude displays whilst others tried to be very reserved. All eventually showed their all!
    I must say that some girls were particularly attractive and my male colleagues would often let me comfort these after punishment by tending their wounds which often made the girl orgasm giving her some relief.
    I was always interested in their stories but invariably it was the attraction and ultimate feel of a large black penis that led to trouble. It seems that a two inch diameter and ten to twelve inch length was not unusual!
    I could see the attraction!

  8. There have been interesting comments about the S. African whip, the Sjambok.
    My granny, who is now 93, told me of her experience at 16 of receiving a whipping with a Sjambok.
    Apparently she had stolen something from a store and the owner had caught her. He took her to her parents and insisted she get 4 strokes of the Sjambok. Reluctantly they agreed as they did not want a Court case.
    With her knickers removed she was whipped with a short Sjambok. The leather cut into her cheeks making them bleed.
    Having related the story she asked me if I wanted to see the marks? I was in disbelief.
    She stood and bent over raising her skirt and slipping her panties down to her knees. Across her cheeks there were 4 distinct ridges, now healed after 77 years but showing cuts made by the Sjambok!
    I could hardly believe that such an inhume punishment had been given to a teenage girl but such was life in S. Africa at that time.

  9. You were very lucky, Freda, to have your Mother thoughtfully oiling your bottom before your whipping especially when 12 lashes were to be administered. But I believe a leather whip is so much more effective than a cane as it wraps itself around the arse cheeks and has greatest length of contact with the recipients skin.
    You were a rather silly girl coming home without your panties on as it was pretty obvious what you had been doing.
    In fact, had you been naughty?

  10. I had left my panties off for one reason: to remove an obstacle to having sex. With my mini skirt flipped up my boyfriend had easy access to both my pussy and bottom without tangling with an item of clothing. That evening was a first for me when we spent time in the 69 position, him fingering and tonguing my pussy and arse and me sucking his penis. Both of us had massive orgasms AND were late home. He told me later that he got whacked with his mother's riding crop causing his 2nd erection that evening!

    1. But it was all worth the risk, wasn't it?
      My reasons were very like yours, but, as you say, there were risks of a very sore arse if caught. My parents always used a Scottish tawse, a leather about 24" long , 2" wide and a quarter inch thick with one end divided into 2 thongs about 9" long. Its sting was atrocious and the thongs cut into my arse leaving raised welts. Usually 12 strokes were applied but 18 or 24 not unknown.
      When I was 16 my parents caught me with our next door neighbour, John who was 17, skinny dipping in our pool.
      After consulting his parents we were each given 18 strokes over the garden bench. Our houses were isolated so the screams didn't matter! I shall never forget John's erection
      after his strapping. I vowed to feel it and I did 3 months later over that same bench! We were not caught but my virginity was no more! Luckily his condom saved the day.

    2. What an ending, Teresa. That 1st real lovemaking you never forget!

  11. I really enjoyed Julie's story and how true of certain areas of the globe, especially S. Africa in the Apartheid days.
    I was brought up there and, inevitably, in my teen years had an interest in the opposite sex. From my friends I heard that young black teenagers were more fully developed than their white cousins especially "down below". Liaison between black and white S. Africans was frowned upon by officialdom.
    I got to know Abraham who was 17 just like me and we were intimate. He had a beautiful penis, almost 10" long and SO satisfying when he made love to me.
    Unfortunately we were caught and we were charged with the offence of sexual liaison between the races.
    He was sentenced to 30 lashes of the leather whip across his bare bottom. The blood and bruising was awful and it was carried out in public!
    I was, perhaps, luckier as I got 30 lashes in private although carried out by a male warder whilst tethered, nude, over a vaulting horse in a gymnasium legs spread widely.
    6 other red faced warders were there and I don't think there was a flaccid cock present as I squirmed about on the leather, eventually squirting pee and cum!
    It did not cure me, but make my love of monster cocks take place in absolute privacy!

  12. Apartheid days were bad in S. Africa & just like Rowena I suffered at the hands of officialdom. I was only 18 and fascinated by stories from my friends about the "charms" of young black teenage boys. I just had to experience this for myself. I met a boy one evening and we went into a wooded area in a park. We both stripped below the waist and fondled one another. His penis was just magnificent, growing to nearly 2" in diameter and 9" long as I handled it. I was WET & just had to have him. Condom on, we coupled and both of us enjoyed wonderful sex and a rather noisy cumming! Unfortunately we were heard by a Park Ranger who called the Police.
    In the Police Station we were interviewed by a male & female officer
    who outlined the severity of the offence and said it should go to Court.
    However, as we were both young we could choose to have an unofficial summary punishment there and then which would be a naked caning. We agreed.
    The Officers put us in the punishment room and left.
    In about 15 minutes they returned with a long, heavy rattan cane.
    They told us to strip and watched intently as we did. We were told that the male would cane me and the female, my "lover".
    He went first his penis massively erect and admired by the woman.
    Over the bench his legs were tapped apart revealing his large scrotum over which she ran her hand! He received 12 hard strokes on his cheeks and top of his thighs as he squirmed on the bench.
    Then it was my turn . My chastiser looked intently as I stripped and smiled as my bra came off and I stepped out of my panties. I spread my legs as I went over the bench.
    The cane was awful and I all but turned over during it. There was no doubt the Officers saw everything I had!!
    But it saved us public humiliation and our parents never knew. If mine had I would have had the skin taken off my bum cheeks with the leather whip.

    1. I fell foul of the Apartheid laws in South Africa when I was 20.
      I had met a black lad and enjoyed sex, but one evening we were caught in the woods and both arrested. In Court he was sentenced to corporal punishment and a month's detention.
      In a separate hearing, before what I was told was a particularly strict Magistrate, I was sentenced to " 20 strokes to be applied to the buttocks whilst tethered naked over the spanking bench"! This was to be carried out immediately below the Court and witnessed by members of the Court.
      I was taken down to a room and told to strip. I had a nice figure with firm 36c breasts, a trim waist flairing to 35" hips.
      I had never before been nude in public and was blushing profusely. It was impossible to cover my boobs, bum and pussy so I just "made a show of it"- probably enjoyed by all!
      I think the Court Officials approved by their smiles!
      I was tethered wrists and ankles, legs spread and the caning began. It was agony and after the first 3 strokes I screamed as each one struck my cheeks, undercheek and thighs.
      I was just one ball of pain.
      But 20 were applied as I collapsed on the frame & had to be carried to the recovery room.
      A nurse tended my bruises and cuts across my cheeks & thighs. I could not put my panties on due to the pain, merely fastening my skirt.
      It was impossible to sit for a week whilst the cuts healed.
      Needless to say I never met black lads again in public but did have them come to my apartment where I enjoyed their wonderful charms! To this day, a black penis is soooo satisfying, especially as there are now no legal risks involved.

  13. A friend told me about Lanka Caning and I have read the posts with interest as myself and a friend were dealt with "unofficially" when in our teens.
    We were 19 at the time on a hiking holiday and went into a quiet village store just before closing time..
    Stupidly, we slipped a few items into our knapsacks but were seen by the shopkeeper, a man in his 30's.
    He said he was calling the police but we begged him not to do so.
    He thought for a few moments and then said, "Perhaps you might like me to punish you instead?" We were relieved and enquired "How?" " By a spanking by hand and then belt on you bare bottoms". We froze, never having thought of such a thing.
    We looked at each other, thought it better than the alternative, and agreed.
    Having locked the shop we were ushered upstairs to a comfortable lounge. We were wearing short skirts so were told to remove them and our panties which, reluctantly, we did having never bared our bums for anyone! I was told to bend over the back of the settee. I felt a hand smooth my bum before it swiped my cheeks hard at least 10 times.
    There was a pause and then I felt the sting of a leather belt. WOW it HURT! I must have got 12 lashes and after 3 I was yelping! Standing up I was exposing my damp pubes!
    Then it was Miriam's turn. I stood and watched. She had a very shapely bum and pushed back as the belt sunk in. She looked to be quite excited and mewed as the belt struck her nates.
    We were invited to have coffee and chatted, still naked below.
    Eventually we were shown out and given the items we had planned to steal as a "thank you" for what the shop owner called "a wonderful display" of our lovely young female charms!

    1. I run a Village Shop and employ 2 local girls as Assistants.
      Recently I had noticed that stock has been reducing whilst takings have been about the same.
      During one evening I installed some very discrete 'eyes' to monitor the aisles and I kept watch. Sure enough my Assistants Julie and Samantha were syphoning goods off the shelves.
      I called each into my office separately and showed them the recording. They had no answer but pleaded for me not to call the Police or sack them as employment was difficult in our remote area. I asked them what I should do? Each of them thought for a few minutes and Samantha said, " If he knew, my Dad would cane me!" "And mine," chimed in Julie, "So can't you do that?"
      The girls were 18 and 19 and I was astounded but, secretly not averse to the idea!
      I told them I would think about it overnight as the thought of punishing such nubile young ladies appealed to me.
      The next morning 2 very quiet girls turned up for work and looking quite worried.
      In turn I called them into the Office.
      I told each of them that I would punish them but it would have to be severe and they would have to strip for the punishment. Reluctantly they agreed and they would come to the shop later on Sunday afternoon, 3 days away.
      I found my Father's old rattan cane and his heavy leather belt, both remembered from my teen years!
      On the Sunday the girls arrived looking very attractive in summer dresses. I wondered what was underneath!
      We went into my cottage next door and into the Conservatory where I had placed Grannys old leather bench and put the cane and belt on the side table.
      The girls looked aghast!
      I told them that their bums would be 'warmed up' with the leather belt after which they would be caned.
      Their mouths dropped!
      We would toss a coin for who was to go first, but first each would strip.
      Samantha took off her dress to reveal her bra and tiny panties. "And those", I said as she hesitated. Off they came her large breasts sagging but looking so attractive.
      Down below a neat triangle of pubic hair.
      I thought that little did she know that the bench would spread her legs to show far more!
      Julie was blushing as she revealed her bum and boobs but, again, knew nothing of her positioning on the bench.
      Coin tossed, Samantha climbed aboard . What a glorious view of her charms!
      12 lashes of the belt soon had her screaming before I get her to climb off and wait.
      Julie climbs aboard, her pubes are shaved and intimacies revealed.
      12 lashes soon has her bucking and howling too.
      Samantha is holding her cheeks as she goes to the bench, they are vivid red, turning blue. She seemed to be pressing her pubes into the leather. It looks damp down there!
      9 strokes of the cane I gave her amidst grunts, yelps and screams. She humps the bench obviously trying to find some relief. I have to help her off the bench as she is spent!
      Julie is already tearful as she climbs aboard and I notice she grinds down on to the leather trying to find relief.
      I whip in the cane to howls of protest and shaking and humping the bench. Her legs flail and secrets are a thing of the past.
      Two contrite girls, still naked sit on the settee as best they can. We agree to forget the matter and they each kiss & thank me before dressing.
      They are still with me, working well and keeping our little secret!

    2. What an experience, Marcel. I really envy you!
      There is something so attractive about a woman the age of Miriam with a lovely firm body and personality.
      I am surprised she only got 6 strokes after all the hassle she caused, or did more follow after your nights 'rest'?

  14. Love your post, Dawn. Wow, what an introduction to CP!
    Bet your neighbour thought himself a very lucky man, but was really quite caring, although feeling your bum cheeks must have been exciting for him too! Did it bring on "other feelings" like I had when I was 16 especially reliving it later?

    1. Yes, I suppose it did, but not during the actual caning. During the hand spanking I had curious feelings I hadn't had before, & I put that down to the excitement of a man seeing my girlie bits for the very first time. However, after the punishment , although aching in my cheeks and thighs , I felt curious stirrings around my pussy. These were exacerbated when the soothing cream was applied and my pussy opening felt very moist like never before.
      That night after going to bed I thought about the days happenings and that moisture. I realised it was sexual excitement and fingered between my legs for the first time.
      WOW! Unknowingly I had found my clit.....and the rest is history. In many ways I was glad to have had that punishment !
      How about your first punishment and its effect, Jackie?

    2. During early years I never received corporal punishment but that changed one weekend when I was 16.
      I had gone to the corner shop and ,stupidly, put a bar of chocolate in my bag without paying for it.
      Unfortunately the shopkeeper, a friend of my parents, had noticed but said nothing to me.
      Later that evening, at home, my Father questioned me about a bar of chocolate. I was gobsmacked and denied it. Then I learned my parents had received a phone call!
      " Right, my girl, it's the cane for you. Go to your room, strip, put on your nightie, visit the toilet and come to the study".
      I was shocked. I didn't even know there was a cane in the house. I obeyed and was worried. I had heard about canings from friends but never experienced one! All that was about to change...and how!
      My parents were in the study and Father was standing by his desk flexing a yellow cane which must have been 3 feet long.
      It looked awesome.
      I noticed that blanket had been placed over the corner of the desk and I was told to bend over it and stretch out my arms so that Mother could hold my hands from across the desk.
      I felt my nightie being lifted at the back hem and rolled up to reveal my bare arse.
      "Right, my girl", said Father " You will get 6 strokes for theiving and 2 more for denying it when questioned. Be ready! "
      God, I thought, 8, when I have never been caned before!
      I felt the rod tapping my bum. Then "whooosh!"
      The pain developed and I yelled! 20 seconds, another. 20 seconds, another. I was humping the desk, and moving my hips side to side but to no avail as the pain developed and Mother cotinued to hold my hands. Between screams I sobbed uncontrollably but the whipping continued at the set intervals. " Well, my girl, 6 delivered, 2 to come", said Father.
      "Nooooooo!" I replied, but in vane.
      My arse was on fire and throbbed and throbbed.
      After what seemed like 5 minutes I felt the cane tapping my cheeks but it seemed to be at an angle ? "Whoooosh!!"
      God that hurt as it seemed to ignite the other stripes. My pussy felt damp. I screamed! Then a pause before another tapping.
      "Whoooosh!" Even harder and, again, at an angle!
      I lay, sobbing and rolling about on the wet blanket.
      Mother released my hands and I struggled up, tears dripping and was sent to my room.
      Drying my eyes I looked in my mirror and was shocked.
      There were 8 distinct ines now turning blue, 6 parallel and 2 applied diagonally. crossing the others.
      These marks took nearly 6 weeks to become faint and nearly 2 months to disappear but I had learned a salutary lesson!
      It also brought to the fore sexual feelings I had not experienced before so it was not all bad!

    3. My goodness, Jackie, that was a very severe first caning.
      Your arse must have been so painful for weeks! I suppose the good thing was that it cured you from misbehaving, or did it?
      I remember that my indiscretion cured me from stealing but not from other misbehaviour.
      However, it did enlighten me to wonderful girlie feelings "down below" and make me more adventurous.

    4. I am afraid it only cured me for aout 18 months!
      When I was nearly 18 I had a boyfriend on whom I was very keen. He had a car & was soooo sexy! Most times when I went out with him we would have sex so, quite often, I would go out without my panties! I think my parents suspected what we did and, one evening, on coming home at 12 midnight, my parents came out into the hallway and suddenly raised my mini skirt, only to find me naked from the waist down! They were apoplectic and called me a brazened whore, and led me into the Study.
      The horrible rattan cane was fetched and I got 6 strokes which made me wet the desk!! I was told to clean it up and be in the study the following evening before bed in my nightie for further punishment.
      That evening I was lectured and given another 6 strokes but in the terribly embarrassing "legs-up" position laying on the desk with Mother holding my legs up from behind my head!
      I just managed not to squirt again!
      After that I always went out and came back wearing panties.

    5. My goodness, Jackie, how shocking to be displayed in that way! Hope you had a reasonable covering of hair over your coochie. I think I would have died of embarrassment but you did rather bring it on yourself bygoing pantieless.

    6. I really enjoyed reading about various shoplifting exploits and what they led to, very much like my experience just a few years ago. I was just 20 at the time, single and fancy free and decided to have a hiking holiday in France staying in various B&B accommodation. All went well until one early evening when I was in a shop I, stupidly, slipped a few bars of chocolate into my kit bag. Unbeknown to me there was cctv and when I went to the till to pay for other items the shopkeeper, a gentleman in his 40's mentioned the chocolate! I was shocked and apologised and offered payment. However he said he would phone the police.
      I pleaded & suggested he punish me ! He paused and smiled
      saying that he had a martinet upstairs in his flat. I really did not know what that was but anything would be better than a police record and the publicity.
      He was shutting shop in 10 minutes so I sat in his office,
      We then went upstairs and he offered me a drink, so we both had a glass of wine and chatted about my holiday plans etc.
      His name was Louis and he was unmarried but running several businesses. Eventually he raised the matter of my thieving and said I deserve a thrashing like a deliquent child. I blushed saying I had never had any physical punishment before. He was surprised. Going into another room he appeared with what I now know was a Martinent which he handed to me. It was a small whip with a timber handle about10" long and 10 leather thongs about 12" long, each being just under one quarter of an inch square.
      He explained it was always applied "on the bare" at which I, again, blushed profusely. He said he would apply 12 lashes to my bare bottom cheeks! He ushered me to the bedroom and told me he would leave the room whilst I undressed. I queried that and he replied that he wanted me naked! I had no alternative than to comply. On instruction I bent over the corner of the bed which tended to spread my legs! Smiling, he seemed to enjoy the sight.
      He then told me to be ready as he took some practice swishes before lashing the thongs across my cheeks.
      The sting was atrocious as the leathers cut into my bum and
      I wondered whether I could bear the 10 thongs striking my bum 12 times equalling 120 cuts!! I began to sob and cry out as the tails attacked not only my cheeks but the tender flesh of my pussy! I had never experienced pain like it!
      But it was over and I just lay gasping and crying.
      He helped me up and I hugged him saying that I had desrved my punishment. He kissed me lightly and picked up a dressing gown putting it around my shoulders as he led me back into the lounge where there was a log fire. He gave me soft pillows to sit on and went to fetch more wine. We talked about our lives and he offered me a bed for the night as it was now late and I willingly accepted.
      He asked me if my bum was sore and whether I would like some soothing cold cream which I gladly accepted.
      Having lost my inhibitions with my naked whipping I took off the dressing gown and bent over the end of the sofa as he applied the cream making my pussy feel damp and excited !
      We drank more wine and, unexpectedly, he asked me if I would like to share his bed. I told him that there was nothing I would like more so we retired but did not sleep until we had satisfied one another. Louis was very gentle making me so comfortable and giving me a wonderful orgasm which made me relax and forget some of the trauma!.
      The next morning was Sunday and we made love twice before enjoying a leisurely lunch before more sex in the afternoon!!
      I still visit him and he visits me and we have both used the Martinet as a pre-sex wake-up call!

    7. Love your account of meeting the Martinet and the spin-off with a sympathetic man. Having gone through your trauma of a naked whipping I can imagine the relief of the thoughtful dressing gown and soothing cold cream and the even better relief which followed....naughty girl!

    8. Wow, Samantha, nice to see some good come out of such an experience. I was raised by an Aunt in France and often felt the horrible Martinet. I got it from early days when at junior school when it was often applied to the bare legs and stung like bees! But, in my teens at home, Auntie always applied it to the cheeks of my bare bottom and the thongs often flicked up between my legs especially if I wriggled about.
      I well remember the pain from a thong striking my pussy and making me scream. the ache left was just awful. Once, when I was 16 and was caught misbehaving with a boyfriend I got a dozen lashes (120 thongs striking my bum!) and couldn't sit for 3 days! The pain made me spurt and wet the table and I got another dose 7 days later for "lack of control".

    9. I can relate to Vic's experience as I often got the strap in my teen years. My Mother was very strict & for any indescretion I would be over the kitchen table for a strapping.
      When I became a teenager I, too, suffered from a very sensitive penis and Mother, who had a lovely pair of boobs and was often wearing a low cut top, did not help!
      From the moment I bared my bum my penis would spring up as I seemed to have no control of it.
      However, unlike your Auntie, I think Mother rather admired my masculinity as, even when 14, I sported a good hard 6 inches!
      My arse usually got a dozen lashes of the strap after which I would retire to my bedroom and "releave the tension". Mother would often ask me if I wanted some tissues so she knew what I needed to do and interfered.

    10. You were lucky having an understanding Mum, although she didn't, perhaps, realise that her low neckline was part of the cause of your erection.
      Mine was not at all understanding and the sight of my rising cock always made her remark that I was oversexed & ought to control myself. I found that impossible and a 4 stroke caning would be increased by 2 for lack of control and, similarly for a 6 stroke I would get 8! Not at all nice and my arse checks & top of my thighs ached and were red/blue for days. Similarly, 15 with the belt became 20 and 20 became 25! Now married with a son and daughter CP is used in our household mainly if they get detention at school.
      My son, Simon, always becomes erect which embarrasses him more than us and it's not unusual for Joanne to leave a damp patch on the desk or on her panties if they are retained.

    11. Same in our family now. School detention is legal truancy so we always punish at home within a day or two.
      Justin ,our son of 16, hates being bare and invariably sports a magnificent erection. He really is well endowed with 7" of solid manhood. All quite natural so we say.
      Juliette is 15 but has "seen it all" and is very worldly.
      She is a little beauty, her boobs 32A already and with a trim bubble butt and her labia lips are just forming a curly opening.
      They witness each others punishments so there are no secrets!
      Usually it's the rattan cane, but sometimes the martinet which they hate as the cuts sting for ages. They always treat each others wounds with lotion.
      We're not sure whether any other soothing "liaisons" take place after punishment but both are very fond of one another so we would not be surprised.

    12. We are similarly inclined so far as detention is concerned as we always supported CP at school. So, misbehave at school = caned at home, but there is one difference from the usual school caning, and that is that it's applied to the bare bottom and not in private. When punishment is given everyone attends.
      We have three children, all of school age, Rebecca and James, the twins, who are 16, and young Amelia who is now 14.
      Now that they are teenagers they are all dealt with in the same way, by corporal punishment rather than by withdraw of priviledges and treats.
      All CP is given on a Friday evening so that they have the weekend to recover from it.
      Demerits are noted during the week and it is rare that a Friday goes by without at least one of the children being corrected.
      On a Friday evening we gather in the study where we have Granny's Bench which my mother always used when dealing with me and my brother. It's a lovely leather double bench with a raised padded centre backrest. Approached from the side the one to be caned puts a leg either side of the raised portion and lays along it. This spreads the legs and presents the bum cheeks perfectly for attention.
      Yes, it is quite revealing but in punishment none of our children have any secrets!
      We use a whippy rattan 1metre cane and give between 4 and 12 strokes depending on the offence.
      Following punishment and while still in position some soothing cold cream is applied.
      Recently, James has shown an erection before a caning, much to his sisters amusement, & has once ejaculated during a caning resulting in his name going on the list for the following Friday!
      But, generally our rules work well.

    13. Yes, detention at school means CP for me at home even as I am a sixth former with a developing figure!
      It's always done the same evening and usually 6 with the light rattan cane, panties down and over the kitchen table.
      However, if I get more than the 1 detention in a month it's a different matter as at the end of the month they are totalled up!
      2 or more means an 'exemplary'. Before bed I have to bath or shower and then go in my dressing gown to the study where my parents are waiting. A towel is over the desk and, naked I bend across it. The towel is a precaution as I have been known to spurt & cum on the desk at the thought of what I am showing and the heat on my cheeks.
      Usually I will get 20 lashes of Dad's leather belt and then 6 hard strokes of the senior rattan, the last 2 being diagonal which is excruciatingly painful.
      Thankfully I have avoided "the study" for 3 months!

    14. I've avoided the belt and the rattan for 2 months but that couldn't last!
      2 days ago Mum was cleaning and looked in my bedside cabinet only to find my rabbit toy! I don't think she knew precisely what it was so brought it to the kitchen for Dad to see when he arrived home.
      Unfortunately he knew precisely what it was and explained to Mum. She was shocked and asked me for an explanation. I said it relieved tensions and gave pleasant feelings when inserted in my pussy or into my arse. They were both shocked and sent me to my bedroom to take off my jeans and panties and then to wait.
      In 15 minutes they arrived, Dad carrying a belt and Mum a cane! They put pillows on the bed and told me to bend over them.
      Dad thrashed my cheeks with the belt some 12 times & then Mum gave me 6 with the rattan. My pussy was damp despite the pain. "Oh for my rabbit toy", I thought.
      It had been destroyed but, a girlfriend has now given me another!
      So...all's well that ends well,except for the experience!

  15. Recently our son Colin has been caught masturbating over the end of his bed. We warned him 3 times but he took no notice.
    Yesterday morning I went in to wake him for breakfast and found him naked humping the corner of the bed!
    I went out and fetched a cane (which I have felt several times over the years). He refused to bend over for me so last night I told his Father who was very angry.
    Colin was called to the dining room and told to explain himself. He was silent. Father fetched the cane and Colin was told to remove his jeans & briefs & as he did so his penis was rising. Secretly I really admired its size! I was told to hold Colin's arms across the table which I did. His Father lectured him about self abuse etc and told him he was to be caned. He said nothing but bent over the table. The caning began and the strokes were placed from the top of his cheeks down to his thighs. Amidst screams, grunts and yelps 12 strokes raised darkening weals.
    Sent to bed, we wondered if he was wanking himself to sleep?
    I couldn't help thinking, what a waste of a lovely erect penis!

    1. Poor Colin. I know from personal experience.
      In my early teens I often masturbated which I found releived tensions &, frankly, I enjoyed.
      My parents were strict Methodists & considered self pleasure a grave sin. Thankfully I wasn't often caught but if I was I was in for a nasty caning. Unfortunately the pain of the cane affected me and always resulted in another raging erection!
      I think my Mother secretly admired it but had to agree with Father to "beat the devil out!" However, in my later teens my Mother would come into my bedroom after I had been punished to apply soothing cold cream to my aching bum and her hand would usually stray between my legs to relieve my frustrations into the tissues she brought with her.
      I am sure that Father would have taken the skin off her bottom if she had been caught giving me the relief I so enjoyed.

    2. Can't speak highly enough about the Sybian. My Mum recently passed away and in sorting her things I came across this strange looking machine in her bedroom. Thankfully in a drawer was an instruction manual. My eyes opened wider & wider as I read through it. In the box was an assortment of lovely rubber penises! I would never have guessed my Mum having those teasing her pussy & clit.
      I soon found the fascination as, jeans and panties off, I got astride the Sybian and experienced the best orgasm I've had since my boyfriend whipped my arse with his riding crop!...not the last as it's now under my bed!

    3. I am now 40 and unattached. From age 18 I worked as a photographic model and was once hired to demonstrate a machine. Until in the studio I did not know what machine I was to demonstrate! I had read about The Sybian but never seen or experienced one. That day everything changed.
      I earned equivilent to a months salary in a day as those invited to the launching of the new model wanted to see many of the attachments demonstrated! My goodness that was fun and so satisfying too!
      I received so many commissions from that "launch" that, with careful management I could retire at 35.
      In my own seaside pad I needed a "friend" so a Sybian came to join me and satisfies my every whim!
      Various girlfriends visit and none ever leave unsatisfied.
      Very often the Sybian and the rattan cane go so well together, providing a striped bum and a satified pussy!

    4. My Mum had a Sybian as a single parent and I found it one day in a bedroom when she was out. I was just 16 and it fascinated me especially the selection of rubber penises. Nothing had ever been in my pussy up until then and just rubbing my pubes with one gave me a nice feeling so much so that I didn't hear Mum come home to find me laying back on my bed with my panties off teasing my pussy!
      She was livid and snatched the rubber penis from me and storming out of the room.
      A few minutes later she returned carrying a cane which I had never seen before & saying she had inherited it from Granny, had felt it many times in her teens, and now I was going to feel it!
      I was already naked below the waist and she told me to go to the kitchen and bend across the table. I was scared but did so. I felt the cane tap my bum and then there was a whoosh and it bit into my cheeks. I shrieked as she hit me again and again and I rolled side to side. I got 6 strokes and was told I would get another 6 the next evening before bed which I did.
      Quite a surprise never having been caned before.
      After the second 6 I could not sit for days but it only made me more determined to ride her Sybian which I eventually did when she went away on holiday. By that time I was 18 & I gave my virginity to a Sybian penis, riding it every day for a week and being well satisfied having tried at least 6 types!

    5. I can certainly relate to Rebecca's post about her son, Colin.
      When I was 16 I was a very randy lad always looking at attractive girls and 'imagining' various sexual activities I could have with them.Inevitably this led to frequent masturbation. Usually I could achieve my satisfaction without disturbance but there was one memorable time when I had gone to bed with a hard penis, aching for relief.
      Naked, over the corner of the bed I was in heaven when suddenly Mum opened the bedroom door carrying a phone with a call for me!
      She was aghast and after I had taken the call called me a filthy little boy and said she was going to tell Dad, & I was to stay as I was in my bedroom.
      10 minutes later the two of them came in with Dad holding a wide, thick leather belt! I was told masturbation was abuse, dirty and unacceptable & I would receive a thrashing with the belt, naked and over the corner of the bed!
      As I stood there my penis was rising and, by their expressions, much to my parents disgust (or my Mum's delight?)
      I took up position laying on my hard member and the thrashing began. I took the 1st 8 lashes in silence but then started to yelp and grunt before yelling as the belt cut into my bum and thighs. I was starting to hump the corner of the bed and was told to stop. By that time I had received 30 lashes and the incredible heat and pain made me spurt uncontrollably! Another 10 were to be given before my parents left in disgust.
      My arse was a livid, red, blue and pink and painful for the next 3 or 4 days. Nothing more was ever said but I made sure my bedroom door was locked before any 'self abuse' in future!

    6. What a lovely person your Granny was, including her 40++ boobs which probably accounted for your subsequent erection!
      Whilst she agreed with your Mum's strict discipline and inflicted 8 hard cane strokes across your bottom she was sympathetic to your needs as a teenage boy.
      You were VERY lucky that your second erection in her presence was also dealt with sympathetically. When I had shown further signs of eection I had another 10 lashes of Dad's belt!
      Did you ever haveher deal with you again?

    7. Poor Rosemary, punished for doing the right thing, and severely, too. When our daughter, Heather, was 15 we bought her a small toy which would give her all the sensations but not interfere with her girlie parts unduly. She was an early developer and is now a lovely balanced young lady of 19 and with no sexual hang-ups.
      That's not to say she was never naughty and pre-teen and in her early teens had several bare arse canings.

    8. A toy at 15? Maybe a small one, but I know my pussy was so tight at 15 that pee would only slowly drip out!! Could be that today's teenagers are developing so much more quickly!

    9. During my teen years, from about 13 in fact, I was an avid maturbater! I had (and still have) a very sensitive penis and small movements of the foreskin tended to excite it.Nowadays that's probably more of an advantage than a problem as the hands of all my girlfriends seem to stray in that direction once they know!
      My parents were very strict and any sign of 'self abuse', as they called it, was dealt with severely.
      When 13 I remember being caught with jeans and pants down 'wanking' by hand and was told to take them off and bend over a kitchen stool holding on to the legs. Dad fetched a thick leather belt and I got 12 very hard whacks. My bum cheeks were sore for days but it did nothing to affect my raging erection.
      I remember Mum telling me ,as she applied cream to my cheeks, - which did little to make my erection subside- that she sometimes felt the belt as a warm up to having sex as Dad needed encouragement to get an erection!!
      When I was 16 the regime changed and any discipline needed meant a taste of a rattan cane.
      Thankfully it was a rare occurence and I only got it twice before going away at 19.
      By that time I was proud of my penis and its sensitivity and a caning would ignite it! Thankfully, Mum was always there to tend to my bruises and, if we were alone,, bring some tissues with her! I never knew if she was caned.

    10. Interesting how Mum's seem to be much more sympathetic when their son is punished and seem to want to soothe the hurt inflicted and give some relief. When I was growing up I had all manner of punishments as I was a bit of a tear-away.
      In early days it was shorts or jeans down for a spanking over my pants, then, later, pants down for the belt which was hanging behind the kitchen door.
      Afterwards Mum usually came to my room and applied cream to my wounds which often led to an erection!
      One day when I was 16 I came home early from games and heard noises from upstairs. Creeping up I looked around a bedroom door to see Mum over the bed, dress up and knickers down & Dad whacking the belt across her lovely arse which I had not seen before. Fortunately, they didn't see me and I went to my room.
      Dad was on nightshift and that evening I noticed that Mum was on her feet more than usual rather than sitting watching TV. I mentioned this and she said her bottom was painful.
      I told her of my coming in early that afternoon and she was shocked but eventually confessed that she had 'got the belt' on her bare arse and it was still very painful. We didn't discuss why, but I offered to treat her arse with cold cream as she used to mine. She looked embarrassed but, as it was bedtime, said she would change for bed and I could come up in 10 minutes.
      This I did and went to her room. I had always admired her figure but I was surprised that she had changed into a very revealing nightie with nothing underneath except her very attractive body!
      She lay over a pillow whilst I smoothed cream onto her purple bruised cheeks remarking that she must have received a very hard belting. She confirmed that it was at least 30 whacks of the 2" wide leather belt.
      She was pushing back against my hand & slightly parting her thighs allowing my fingers into the crease between her cheeks as she mewed gently. Naughtily I went deeper and her movements intensified. Then she relaxed saying, "Thank you, darling, I needed that!"
      We embraced as she took me in hand reaching for tissues after a few minutes.
      We cuddled for about an hour before I went to my room.
      From that evening we became very close and had no secrets from one another. Whenever I was punished in my teen years she was at hand and me for her.

    11. You were very lucky to have such a Mum and for her to look after you so well. Was she caned again after your liaison and, if so, did you attend her needs?

    12. I am afraid she was as my parents relationship worsened. Very often it revolved around sex, or lack of it and one blamed the other. Using the cane made Dad randy and Mum's hot arse following a light caning or the belt was subject of some doggy action which, she confided, gave her sore cheeks and a dripping pussy but left her unsatisfied.
      On the last ocassion after Dad had gone to work she showered and I comforted her producing a rabbit toy which I used on her giving her the "most satisfying fuck ever" as she called it.
      She was so appreciative and had me lay back so she could put my stiff penis between her boobs moving it gently before I covered them in sperm.
      My "education" was complete!

    13. I am in my late teens & still live at home with very religious and strict parents for whom any sex outside of marriage is a grave sin. I do not have a boyfriend and when I was in London a few weeks ago I visited a Sex Shop where they had a wonderful display of "toys" suitable for girls. I was fascinated and the lady shopkeeper was very helpful asking me all sorts of questions before suggesting a suitable toy.
      In a changing room she even showed me how to use it to best effect and made me cum! She had made a sale!
      At home I hid it in my wardrobe between almost daily use.
      One afternoon I arrived home to see it on the kitchen table!
      Mum had been cleaning my room and found it. She was shocked and said I would be in trouble when Dad came home.
      At 6pm I was called to the lounge where my toy was on the coffee table. Asked for an explanation, I really didn't have one except that it gave me satisfaction! I was told I would be punished for 'selfishly busing myself' and should go to my bedroom, strip completely and come to Dad's study in my nightie. I put on my long winter nightie but to no avail as in the study I was told to remove it.
      I have heavy 32b breasts and over the desk my nipples were stiffening as they brushed the leather top. I have a pert 'bubble butt' and, thankfully, hairy 'down below'.
      I never knew there was a cane in the house but there it was at least a metre long!
      I felt exposed as my legs were tapped apart and I was told to be ready. I was lectured on my deceit, my masturbating and told that "the devil would be caned out of me".
      The caning began as I wriggled and rolled about on the desk. What a view my parents must have had! The cane whipped in relentlessly and I lost count after 12 strokes as the pain was so bad that even my sensitive pussy was not excited!
      My toy was destroyed but I will be in the Sex Shop again soon to see the lady for another demonstration and sale.

    14. A visit to see June, the lady at the sex shop, soon put things right and she was shocked to hear of my parents narrowmindedness towards a girl of nearly 18.
      She asked her colleague to mind the shop and took me upstairs to the "display" and showed me about 12 different toys for various aspects of insertion and stimulation. She said they could be 'demonstrated' so I went into a cubicle and took off my skirt and panties and lay back on the cushions. In a few minutes she came in with the 6 she recommended.
      She explained each one before using it on me!
      I was EXCITED and she told me to relax and cum whenever I was ready. Needless to say with her expert handling I seemed to be continuously orgasming, mewing and shaking uncontrollably! I was in heaven!
      We decided on the best two and she gave me a 50% dicount to make up for the one Mother had destroyed.
      I thanked her with a hug and a rather sensuous kiss as she said that we should 'get together ' some time as she enjoyed the strap and cane and that I might oblige her?
      Food for thought, I pondered.

    15. Having had my 18th birthday I was now an adult and decided to tell my parents so! It was not very well received but eventually accepted when I threatened to leave as I was now working in a friends parents business.
      I often remembered what June had said when I last visited the Sex Shop and decided to pop in and see her when next in the area. The opportunity arose and she was glad to see me, giving me a kiss and patting my bottom!
      We chatted like old friends and she asked about using my "toys" and was pleased they were effective.
      As I was going she invited me to visit her at her cottage on the Sunday " to get to know one another better"?
      I was intrigued and agreed. 'Could be fun,' I thought. We hugged, kissed and parted.
      Riding my motor scooter I soon reached her cottage on the Sunday morning. It was a warm day and I dressed in my tight jeans and a skinny top which tended to show my 32B's to advantage.
      June greeted me and we sat in the secluded garden for coffee. We chatted of our 1st meeting and the caning I had mentioned. She wondered if it had 'turned me on' and I said "definately not!". She confided that caning did just the opposite for her and it all started when caned by Nuns in the Convent Boarding School she had attended.
      I was intrigued and wondered where this might lead?
      She took me to view the cottage and eventually showed me into her study and playroom. The walls were adorned with an array of whips, riding crops, small, medium and large rattan canes, leather belts, & leather and perspex spankers!
      In one corner was a leather covered spanker.
      I was gobsmacked and June smiled at my reaction.
      She told me that it had been a fetish of hers since those days and varous friends would come over to cane her, be caned and have sex.
      She asked me if I would like to 'do the honours'! I was shocked but intrigued, and agreed but saying I had no experience. She told me not to worry and applying a cane would come naturally.
      June began to undress. In her bra & panties she looked stunning and even more so as she took them off. I asked her size and she told me her breasts were 36D and hips 35. Her pubic hair was trimmed into a neat triangle above curly pussy lips. I must admit I felt stirrings below.
      June gave me a cane 'suitable for a beginner' and went over to the leather spanking bench, climbing aboard. Her firm cheeks were beautifully displayed and I ran my hand between her legs stroking her arse bud and lips as she pushed back, murmering, "Naughty!"
      "Please give me 6 at first, to get use to a cane".
      I tapped her lovely cheeks before whacking the cane across them. "oooh, nice!" was the retort. Remembering my caning I next placed a stroke on her undercheek and she shrieked as I quickly laid more hard strokes on her cheeks as she moved back and forth seductively, obviously enjoying lthe leather/pussy contact. I "tut tutted" and whacked in a diagonal!
      Climbing off, June said I had I great touch and kissed me seductively leading me over to her chaise-longue. Although still naked she began undressing me which I found very arousing. First my skinny top and bra, then my jeans and finally my tiny panties. She laid me back before feeling my boobs and running her tongue between the damp lips of my pussy. I was like butter in her hands and in heaven!
      I felt her bum cheeks and she said I had done an excellent job as a beginner and they still throbbed.
      I felt a toy on my lips and probing my arse....never before had anything been in there....but in it went! In minutes I came & we kissed passionately.
      Still naked, we had no secrets and enjoyed a snack lunch in the conservatory.
      In the afternoon we played together using June's wonderful array of here, there and everywhere.
      My parents would have been horrified if they had known.

    16. That's some story, turning from a teenager subject to strict discipline to a volunteer disciplinarian!
      June must have been a very persuasive lady who knows what she needs, and sounds rather nice from your descriptions.
      Good luck & I hope you become a very efficient chastiser.
      Do tell us more.

    17. I am afraid I became addicted to June but enjoyed her company so much. She knew how to treat a girl, and I loved her fingers, tongue and lips which had me in the throes of an orgasm in minutes. I think 4 in one evening was the best.
      There was a price to pay and I was getting to be very competant with her battery of implements!
      The leather whip was the most difficult to master to just get the last 6" biting into a bum cheek or wrapping around to flick her pussy which inevitably raised a scream.
      Afterwards I tended her and, yes, orgasm after orgasm ensued! Now and then I was "away on business" and spent an enjoyable the night with June.

    18. Thanks for being so frank, Joanna. Perhaps you've found a soul mate? Sounds as though you get on so well. Do tell us more.

    19. Interesting post, Rebecca.
      I am a single parent with twins Gemma and Rob who are 16.
      A few weeks ago I went to wake Rob and found him in a similar position to your Colin looking at a rather explicit sex video on his lap-top. He was shocked to see me and leapt up displaying a rather lovely erection.
      I told him to sit on the bed whilst I left the room. I came back with tissues and to his surprise took hold of his wilting manhood soon to have it hard again. He laid back hardly believing what I was doing. I must say his penis and balls were a joy to handle and in minutes I had drained them into tissues as he hugged and kissed me. Gemma already has a small toy which seems to satisfy her needs.
      When they are a little older I shall give them both a tour of my body to ready them for life and Rob has agreed to show Gemma what she should know about a boys body too.
      Much better that way than going into relationships blindfold!

    20. I am meeting June today and staying overnight.
      She will be getting some "special treatment" from me in repayment for the cropping I had from her, but she doesn't know that yet.
      The cuts that she made with the whalebone crop across my cheeks are still raised and blue and hurt when my panties rub them. (That's why I decided, yesterday, not to wear any!)

    21. I met June and we enjoyed tea together. My bottom was still a little sore from that nasty crop and June cheekily whipped my skirt up and inspected my cheeks as I was wearing a thong.
      She apologised for the severity of the 'cuts' saying she had got rather carried away by the sight of my lovely bum cheeks!
      After tea we chatted and sat relaxing, kissing and cuddling.
      Inevitably June said it was time for her 'correction' or, more likely, her sexual turn-on, some kind of CP. She told me that I was in charge.We went into her study and I told her to undress completely. She did, taking her time and flaunting her lovely body. I could have made love to her right away!
      I told her to mount the bench and I buckled the restraint across her waist and pulled each ankle into a tether.
      Her lovely assets between her legs were now fully revealed.
      I chose the small martinet and whipped it up between her legs the thin leather ends striking the button of her arse and, more importantly her labia lips. She SCREAMED! I waited a few minutes whilst chosing a 3" wide leather belt before whacking it across her thighs 6 times as she squelled but could not move! She lay panting. I put the martinet and belt away before choosing a beautiful leather whip, a small version of the South African Sjambok, used in Apatheid days in that country. It was made of interwoven leather and was said to be very vicious often causing bleeding and deep cuts on a recipients back and arse.
      June saw me with the whip and just moaned, "Oh no".
      Her beautiful cheeks were deep red with blue edging to the belt marks as I whipped down the mini Sjambok. Her reaction was a long piercing scream as the leather sunk into her arse.
      I gave her 2 more before returning it to its hook.
      June's bottom looked well punished so I thought I would finish by selecting a thin rattan cane and applying it to the top of her thighs and the undercheek.
      She was sobbing as I showed her the cane but knew better than to argue.
      I gave her 4 strokes, 3 on her thighs and one on her undercheek at which she, again, let out an ear piercing scream.
      I left her tethered as I went to the bathroom to dry the lips of my pussy! My panties were damp.
      Returning, I ran my hand over June's ridged backside as she whinced. Before releasing her I smoothed cold cream on her nates and between her legs noticing that the leather was soaking wet with her cum.
      I helped her up and she embraced me giving me a sensuous kiss and whispering, "I deserved that...and you are becoming an expert chastiser!"
      That evening we shared a bed and June tonged me down below bringing me off in minutes. In return I used a 'strap-on' to give June two shuddering orgasms before she slept. I think 'doggy style' was painful but the result well worth it.
      Next morning I treated June's cheeks again and admired my handiwork.

    22. Joanna is becoming an expert chastiser and I am still a "no knicker" girl as my bum heals from her torment. I don't think anyone has given me "better"!!
      I gave her 'carte blanche' but probably should have specified what she could use.
      I do love her attention and making love with her as she is such a sweetie. To see her orgasm is bliss, and to know you've caused her cumming!
      But my bum hurts.....!

    23. I've had one hell of a week so I am spending the weekend with June as I have 'needs' and I am sure she has too! Hope her bum is well recovered. She has told me she has a surprise in store.

    24. Met June late Friday evening and after supper we made love.
      Kissing, licking and tonging our girlie parts. Before going to bed we showered and June asked me to give her bottom a whacking with the Scottish Tawse! I really laid it on and brought her to a screaming orgasm as she collapsed over the trestle. Before bed I treated her lovely arse and down between her cheeks. She kissed me passionately and we drifted off in one another's arms.
      The next morning it was time for my surprise and we went into the conservatory.
      There it was, a Sybian Sex Machine with a full set of penises.
      Stripping off my panties I chose a phallus, lubed it and climbed aboard. June was at the controls and God she gave me the ride of my life. Altogether 3 orgasms in 30 minutes!
      My antics made June 'wet' and she wanted her cheeks warmed again! Who was I to refuse my demanding host?

    25. I thought readers of Lanka Caning might like to know of a rather novel, if painful, way of making young ( and older) ladies at our riding stable be kind to their steeds.
      Some riders would use the riding crop unnecessarily hard and leaving marks on their steeds flanks.
      Eventually we told the riders that they would be punished if we saw such abuse or, alternatively, they could vacate the stables.
      'Pussy whipping' is an old punishment and quite painful.
      The girl or woman is sent to the barn in her riding gear. She removes her jodphyrs and panties and lies back on a cradle of straw bales with legs spread. The stable manageress takes up a crop and brings the leather fingered end down onto the recipients pussy lips, usually only once. Two strikes have been known and the screams long remembered by the audience and management!
      This is VERY painful and, probably, means no sex for some time. We see a girl or woman once, but hardly ever a 2nd time. Male riders present their rear ends with legs spread and the crop strikes their ball sack.
      Since it's introduction abuse of horses is now minimal.

    26. Pussy whipping is very painful. I was getting the crop and a leather caught my flappy pussy lips. Sex was impossible for 2 weeks and peeing painful. Not recommended!

    27. I got several croppings in my youth at the stables as I was always misbehaving and my Aunt, the owner, would take me to the barn, get me to take off my jods and briefs and get over the corner of a bale. I usually got 6 with the crop and the leathers often flicked between my cheeks catching my scrotum. Wow, that was a wake-up and my balls would hurt .sometimes for a couple of days making masturbation impossible much to my annoyance.
      Several of the girls also got cropped and complained of soreness in their private places.

    28. Pussy whipping is the most painful thing you can do to a woman. My former husband pussy whipped me with leather thongs after finding out about an affair. Peeing was painful and I couldn't have sex for over 2 months by which time I had divorced him. I would have loved to have treated his penis and balls in the same way.

    29. I think Joanna really enjoyed her surprise.I gave her the ride of her life on the Sybian as I had the control box! She couldn't believe she could cum so many times in 30 minutes. She was deleriously happy and gave me everything I wanted afterwards.
      First she fingered my girlie bits and then gave me a hand spanking which hurt on top of the whacking she had given me with the Tawse the night before! That tawse has two leather thongs 1" wide, quarter inch thick, and 24" long.
      It was originally at a Reform School for Girls & Women & must have seen some bottoms in its time. I bought it at a Sale and got some strange looks! It really stings if laid on by Joanna and leaves interesting patterns on an arse.
      After all that we made love again! Joanna is so sweet.

  16. I had not a pussy whipping but a hard arse tanning from Grahame, my partner, last night following my being seen kissing and fondling a work colleague at a party. Unfortunately a friend of my partner had filmed us on his phone!
    Just before bed my partner showed me the video which left little to the imagination as not only was I kissing but also had a hand in his trousers, checking his manhood. (It felt rather nice!)
    I was told I was in for a spanking and to strip and come to the Study. My body is a trim 34d-27-36 and I like displaying it.
    In the Study I was told to bend across the desk which I did.
    Grahame had his heavy leather belt in his hand and told me I was getting 20 whacks! I knew better than to argue.
    The belt hurts but is bearable and my bum was burning and I was feeling randy. I was told to stay in position which meant one thing: he was randy too!
    In minutes I felt his solid manhood between my cheeks and sliding as I pushed back.
    My scorching bum led him on and we were like animals with a very satisfying result.
    This morning my bum is sore but I've been promised another 'doggy' tonight so won't complain, so long as he doesn't use the belt again.

  17. That sounded fun! A few weeks ago mine was a bit more serious.
    I was caught misbehaving in an hotel room at a friends party. My hubby was furious and demanded we go home.
    Although it was midnight he said he was going to punish me and he would see me in the bedroom.
    A little later he came in with a cane which had not been used since the kids left home.
    Never having ever been caned I didn't know what to expect.
    I had changed into my tiny nightie and panties, but he insisted the panties came off and I got over the end of the bed.
    He started lashing my bum and the pain was horrendous as I screamed for him to stop. Eventually he did, threw the cane down and left.
    I had a sleepless night and next morning, looking in the mirror, saw 12 purple ridges across my cheeks, very painful to touch.
    The marks are still there, as a reminder of my misbehaviour 2 weeks ago.

    1. You were rather naughty as a married woman but 12 strokes sounds excessive. I would have broken your punishment up into 3 , so you wouldn't know what was to come!
      I think 6 with a cane is max. I know that from school and I wouldn't expect a woman to take more whatever she had done. Hand spanking is under estimated and can lead to reconciliation if applied in a sexy way to different parts of a ladies bare bottom.
      Also, the old French Martinet can be helpful as its little leather tails can punish and cause excitement and a sting in the pussy department! They say the 'itch' inflicted can be orgasmic too......
      Certainly, I would have dealt with you differently......&, maybe, given you a surprise?

    2. Wow, Rod, that does sound interesting. I always loved hand spanking in my teens usually over my knickers but once laying back legs-up! That was mortifying as no one had seen 'down between my legs' before and there it was ,all on display.
      Love the thought of leather tails too.

  18. I thought spanking was a thing of the past in these days of political correctness but I'm glad I am not alone in still experiencing it. My parents are rather old fashioned and whilst I live at home they say I will obey their rules by way of dress code, curfew time, and good behaviour. Indeed, I know that my Mother also suffers a spanking from time to time. whether that is sexually orientated I dare not ask but I have heard 'noises' coming from the bedroom after she has been spanked!
    I was last spanked a few days ago for breaking my 11pm curfew by over an hour. I had been out with a boyfriend and we had enjoyed wonderful sex in his car and forgot the time!
    When I got home my parents were angry and sent me to the dining room where I was told to remove my panties and bend across the table. Little did they know that it was the second time that evening that my panties had come off! Father brought in the leather spanker.
    It's about 2ft long, 2" wide and 3 eighths of an inch thick with a braided hand grip. Panties off, and dress up I got 12 whacks which burned my cheeks and upper thighs and ignited feelings down below also for the second time that evening! Thankfully I managed not to wet the table, just wanting to get to my bed and the pleasure that one of my toys would bring.
    I would like to hear of others who still receive parental discipline.

    1. I would expect you will get lots of replies, Juliette, as many of my friends have had strict parents. Ever since I can remember I have had physical punishment for bad behaviour etc.
      Pre-teen it was always hand slapping over my knickers, or, if I had been very naughty, they were pulled up between my cheeks to bare my bum. That made all the difference to the pain.
      From 13 it was 'knickers-off'. Sometimes over a knee but often over a table or bed. Hand, belt or a horrible cane might be used according to the offence. A few years later my Granny passed away and we inherited a piece of leather furniture known as a spanking bench. That changed everything! Over the Spanker you had a leg either side of the centre section and this had the effect of pulling your bum cheeks apart and presenting it perfectly for punishment.
      I had no privacy with my arsehole and coochie fully displayed. From my mid teens it was always for the cane which hurt horribly leaving awful marks.
      But the spanker had other uses too and I remember coming home unexpectedly and hearing noises from the spare room.
      Peeping around the door I saw Mother over the Spanker and Dad taking her, doggy style. Thankfully they didn't see or hear me! Since then I have been in the same position when my parents go away and a boyfriend services me over the Spanker as both pussy and arse are beautifully presented for an erect penis to enter and give mutual satisfaction.
      I often wonder if Granny enjoyed it that way too?

    2. Right up until I went away to work I was subject to 'parental control'. Just like Abigail early years saw me spanked over underpants but if of a serious nature a slipper or plimsole would be used. Even through pants it stung but applied hard on the naked butt it would bruise my cheeks leaving them blue. In my later teens I wore Y-fronts and they were usually pulled up into the crease between my cheeks as Mum was embarrassed to have my usually erect penis on view. Even with my pants in place it usually appeared over the waistband! Once, when getting 20 lashes of the belt, I lost control and ejaculated over the table. The sticky mess was NOT appreciated and I got the cane 2 days later 'on the bare'.
      On that occasion I successfully masturbated before the caning to prevent further accidents and Mum's embarrassment.
      Despite my experiences I still believe in CP as a deterrant.
      Many youngsters of both sexes would benefit from a short, sharp shock applied to their bare bums instead of soft mamby-pamby treatment!

    3. Throughout growing up my brother, Dave, and I were subject to corporal punishment.
      Mine was administered by Mum and his by Dad. Mum thought it wrong that I should have to bare myself for a man and similarly for Dave. Secretly, I would have rather liked Dad to deal with me but never said so. I think Dave thought similarly about Mum!
      We were hand slapped, got the belt or slipper but Mum's riding crop was the worst, particularly the leather end fob if it caught me between the legs, or caught Dave's scrotum.
      Both those private parts would ache for days and need cold cream (lovingly) applied.
      Unknown to our parents we would see to one anothers needs in that respect and often bring the offender to orgasm.
      God knows that we would have had the skin removed from our bums if our parents had found out!
      As it was we had no secrets from one another in private.

    4. Wonderful recollections girls and boys. Mine are very similar, but the most memorable is when my knickers were taken down for the first time. Up until then they were, at worst, pulled up tight between my cheeks. Of course the spanking was on the bare but not revealing any more than the bum.
      I first got it 'bare' when I was 16. It was my own fault as I was caught returning from a party without knickers!
      I never knew there was a cane in the house until Dad came into the dining room with it.
      I got 6 stingers and how they hurt. Sobbing, I was sent to bed
      and the 6 ridges across my cheeks ached like mad. In the morning 6 dark bruises were evident and lasted a week.
      I never got more than 6 thank goodness and ,usually, knicks pulled up tight.

    5. Fascinating reading. My friends told me about Lanka Caning.
      I loved Julie Baker's story and others experiences.
      I grew up in a very strict family where good behaviour was everything.
      I remember 'The Study' well and on one wall was a cabinet the opening of which was dreaded by we kids as it meant someone was in trouble. Inside were a selection of rattan canes, junior, medium and senior together with a Scottish 2 tailed tawse, a leather spanking paddle, a 10 tailed martinet whip and a riding crop. Punishments were given over Father's leather topped desk and were given to the bare bottom with feet positioned on two pads on the carpet which ensured your buttocks were relaxed for application of the instrument.
      A punishment was at least 6 strokes, but for serious offences it could vary according to the implement used.
      I was not a well behaved girl and eventually left home when I was 20. Up until then I experienced most of the implements. I think my last whipping was at 19 when I got the Martinet.
      Unfortunately my pubes were rather well developed and some thongs caught my pussy causing most awful throbbing pain (and no sex for weeks!)...
      I hope readers tell more of their experiences.

    6. I agree, Penelope, wonderful site Lanka Caning.
      My goodness your upbringing was strict! I will never forget my first punishment. I was about 12 or 13 and was infatuated by Sandie, the girl next door, who was 13. We had a pool in our garden and in summer she would come around and share it.
      She always wore a little 2 piece and I a small pair of trunks. One Sunday my parents were out and I suggested to Sandie that we skinny dipped and so we did.
      She was fascinated by my penis and balls and on the lounger after swimming she wanted to investigate! Who was I to argue as I played with her developing breasts and little nipples and felt her 'slit'?
      She fondled my equipment and licked it gently.
      We didn't hear my parents return and they were shocked, to say the least. They called Sandie's parents.
      Her Father brought his leather strap. We were lectured and told we would be thrashed. Still naked we each bent over an end of the lounger and held hands.
      We were THRASHED, crying and screaming as the strap cut in to our bums. We had learned a salutary lesson.....just don't get caught! Years later we repeated our explorations and lost our virginity together....but didn't get caught!

  19. In our family it was always Detentions at school that triggered home punishments as my parents believed that caning in schools should not have been abolished. My parents asked the school to notify detentions so both me and my brother could not avoid punishment.
    Not to interfere with the week Friday night was Hell Night, so we had the weekend to recover!
    It was always the cane, a senior boys school one which HURT, and was always applied on the bare bottom after taking a bath and appearing in just a towel. 6 strokes was normal but any more than 1 Detention in a week would mean more. That would be a 12 over the dining table hands held on the other side by Mum. I once spurted at 9 and got 3 more added! The bruises were awful and were a talking point when showering after PE at school. Girls wanted to finger the dark ridges! I think the fingering excited them and me.
    I still get "excited" thinking about those punishments.

  20. Love the thought of the other girls feeling your stripes in the showers after PE. Bet it brought you close as their fingers rubbed your welts.They probably thought you were a bit of a hero.
    I think I would get excited too looking back on it!

  21. It seems that more women seem to comment on Lanka Caning. Perhaps girls are naughtier during their younger days?
    I had a strict upbringing and although I am now 40 years old my memories are still quite vivid, indeed I think they led to my enjoying having a spanking as a prelude to sex!
    In our household my sister and I knew that punishment meant bare bums. Little knickers down, pretty panties down or thongs down as we grew up. Our bottoms would then be slapped, slippered, belted or, latterly, caned. The cane was by far the worst and had us screaming and not sitting comfortably for days.
    My last caning was when I was 18 just before going to Uni.
    These days a spanking with a leather belt makes me ready fo sex!

  22. I never had any punishment until I became a Brownie. Our troupe did a summer camp, a total of about 20 girls and a Leader, an experienced Queens Guide. The camp was fun but excited girls get up to all manner of mischief away from home.
    3 of us were caught skinny dipping in the river!
    We were lectured in the Queen Guides tent and told we would 'get the plimsoll'. We were in our uniforms and I was the 1st to be spanked. Bending over a trestle table I felt my tunic skirt being lifted to expose my little green knickers. Then fingers sliding around the leg holes pulling the fabric up into the crease between my cheeks, so baring my bum! Then, " WHACK!" The plimsoll landed, continuing on alternate cheeks until 6 had been given. They stung and my arse throbbed. The other 2 girls received a similar whacking.
    After Brownies I progressed to the Girl Guides many years later and well into my teens.
    My figure had developed well and another Guide, Judie and I, were rather attracted to one another. Inevitably time at camp developed that attraction and we spent all the time together and sharing a tent.
    One warm night we both stripped and made love in the 69 position exploring each others lower assets with fingers and tongues!
    Unfortunately we did not hear the Senior Guide (who checked at 'lights-out') and suddenly shone a torch into the tent! She was horrified!
    Next morning we were summoned to the Head's tent.
    There was no explanation except that we were in love!
    We were told we would be dismissed the Guide Movement.
    We pleaded and pleaded to be otherwise punished. Eventually she agreed to cane us and it would not go further.
    Two days later when the others were on an exercise we were called to the tent.
    We were told to strip as she watched and then each of us bent over an end of the trestle table holding hands. The Head Guide tapped our legs apart. I felt very exposed. She told us we would each get 10 cuts of a leather strap to warm our bums and then 6 strokes of a heavy rattan cane.
    We received them alternately and whimpered, sobbed, yelped,
    screamed and cried as our bums were lashed without mercy.
    Afterwards a day in our tent soothing our wounds but no 69!

    1. Quite an early life experience. The feeling of those fingers adjusting your knickers to bare your bottom for the first time is difficult to describe and especially if you had never been spanked before. Love your post, Mary-Rose, your description of your later naughtiness got me quite excited! Do you still see Judie?

    2. I was one of 3 sisters and we grew up in a strict family where your bottom suffered for any infraction.
      Father & Mother were lawyers and very busy and so we had a housekeeper, Janet, who was French and who brought us up. Our parents gave her carte blanche by way of discipline.
      Janet was a nice lady but very strict and had her own views on behaviour. In her 'office' was a series of hooks on the wall on which there hung a leather spanker, a riding crop, a martinet and a rattan cane.
      Being French she favoured the martinet whip but handled all 4 with finesse.
      Once each week we met to pay for our errors, usually in her office but sometimes in the kitchen or lounge. The one thing we knew is that our bums would be bared and the implement brought down hard. Occasionally there would be a naked punishment or one carried out in the 'legs-up' position which we dreaded especially if the martinet was to be used as a thong would often strike a girl's pussy causing screams and agony for days.
      20 with the Spanker was not unknown, 12 with the cane, a dozen with the crop or 10 lashes of the 9 tailed martinet.
      Afterwards Janet would treat the recipients bottom with cream and would 'see to our needs' with her fingers and tissues if required. It usually was!
      We came to love her and our behaviour improved drastically over the years readying us for life.

    3. You seem to have had a very understanding housekeeper.
      Because of our parents being abroad my brother and I had a Governess who looked after us. She was STRICT and any naughtiness was punished always by a bare bottomed caning.
      Depending on the offence it would be with one of 3 canes, the junior, regular or senior rattan.
      Friday was the night and we would go to the study at 9.30 after dinner to hear the weeks 'sins'.
      Seldom were there none. We would go in our PJs so it would be " bare your bottom, you've had 6 demerits so that's 6 with the regular". Over the desk the pain was inflicted.
      My brother was always erect as he prepared for his whacking and his penis the centre of attention.
      He was usually scolded for being 'excited' but could do little about it!
      We were very close and afterwards I would often go to his room and make him comfortable and he fingered me too. Thankfully we were never caught as we locked doors but if we had been I think the skin on our bums would have been removed by the senior cane!

    4. I am now in my 80's and have always been a follower of Lanka Caning. I was a Governess for a wealthy family dealing with the children and the staff. The parents were overseas so all household and staff matters fell to me.
      The 3 children were taught at home mostly by me although a language lecturer attended weekly. PE was in the small gym which also was used for punishment of the children and maids as the horse could be used as a spanking box.
      The students were generally well behaved but the maids less so and were often lazy in doing their duties. Fanny, the kitchen maid, was often sent to me by cook. She was in her early 20's and had a voluptuous figure with 40" boobs and a 38" arse. Over the horse her arse was a picture especially adorned with 6 red stripes.
      From time to time the identical twins David and Frank were caned, often together and the only way I could tell them apart was by the size of their 'equipment'. Usually erect before a whacking David's was about 6" long and Frank's 4" !
      !7 year old Jenny was very well behaved and I only had to spank her twice in as many years.
      Wonderful memories now in my retirement!

    5. You really got your just punishment for your shoplifting.Harsh
      corporal punishment would deter most of today's shoplifters.
      Most females of any age would not like to be stripped and severely flogged whereas they don't care about a petty fine & police record. Thanks for your candid post, Helga.

    6. I totally agree, Samantha. Our daughter, Marianne who is 18 was caught shoplifting some months ago and was put on probation. Little did she know we had a better cure!
      That evening after the Court Hearing we summoned her to the lounge telling her she had brought shame to the family and she would be punished.
      "How", she said and I told her she would "get the belt".
      She was in disbelief. She was wearing a flaired mini skirt and I told her to raise it and remove her panties. She retorted, "You must be joking!" at which my wife grabbed her and I took off her skirt and panties.
      Inevitably she calmed down and bent over the table as instructed. My wife held her hands from the other side.
      Her bare bum was now nicely presented for the belt.
      Grand Dad's old belt is 2" wide and at least one quarter inch thick and would leave its mark.
      It only took 3 lashes to have Marianne howling, but I did not let up until a dozen had been applied.
      I then waited for a few minutes and applied another 10 as her cheeks turned blue as she screamed.
      Another short wait as she writhed and sobbed before I applied another 6 making her scream again.
      Released she lay panting until her Mum helped her up and took her to her room.
      Next morning she was very sore and took breakfast standing.
      However she apologised before going off to college.
      We couldn't help thinking whether she would be standing all day!

    7. Well done, Gerald, she deserved no less.

    8. I well remember my unofficial punishment for shoplifting.
      I think I was 17 at the time and had stolen some things from the village stores. I had been seen by the shopkeeper, a friend of my Father, but he didn't stop me.
      Instead he contacted my Father. That evening at supper my Father told me of his conversation with the shopkeeper and that he had invited him to attend & witness my punishment the following evening at 7pm. He told me I would be caned and I would attend wearing a short skirt which I would take off, together with my knickers, for the punishment. I was shocked and started to protest. I was cut short as Father said he had considered caning me naked, but Mother had objected.
      I would be expected to apologise and offer payment for the stolen items. I had a sleepless night imagining the ordeal to come: bare arsed in front of a strange man!
      The next evening I dressed as instructed wearing a short white blouse over my bra and a pair of pretty pink panties under my mini skirt. The 3 adults were waiting for me in the lounge and I noticed Granny's Trestle had been brought from the spare room and put in front of the lounge seats.. This can be used as small steps or you can kneel on the 2nd step, laying over those above. After apologising I was told to undress and removed my skirt and panties and put my hands on my head. I was very concious of the shopkeepers gaze as my pubes were prominent with a light covering of blonde hair. I was told to kneel on the trestle with my legs parted and my arse therefore facing the audience.
      Father announced that I was to get 12 strokes of the cane delivered at 30 second intervals and he began. I had never had more than 4 before so I wondered how I would manage to cope with 12! The wait between increased the tension and let the pain sink in. The hurt was horrific as I wriggled my arse one way and the other.
      I was warned to keep still or I would be caned laying legs up on the dining table! I obeyed not wanting to be more of a spectacle.
      Each stroke was met with a grunt, yelp, screech or, later, a full bloodied scream, but the caning continued until the12 strokes had been delivered and I lay panting and HURT.
      I was sent to bed as my parents and the shopkeeper sat to enjoy a glass of wine and, no doubt, discuss my punishment.
      The best part? No Police record.

    9. Nice to hear of real punishment for shoplifters including embarrassing displays.
      When I was 16 I had a whipping from my Mother for going into a fashion store fitting room with 6 pair of panties and only putting 3 back on the display. That was done in private, after hours at the Stables she owned but the leather thongs of the whip cut into my bum cheeks and a few of the ends struck the curly lips of my pussy. It ached for days especially when perched on the toilet peeing.
      I will never forget that episode in my life.

  23. So many of the posts refer to things which happened some time ago and at 19 I thought I would never experience corporal punishment in these modern times, but I was wrong!
    Just over a month ago I was away on holiday with another girl, Rachel, and we were in a local shop in a village in North Wales.
    I really don't know why but I slipped a few items into my bag instead of the Basket but at the checkout I was told, "And the items in your bag, please!" I apologised but was told the Police were to be contacted. I pleaded and pleaded and the shopkeeper eventually said he could 'punish me'. I asked, "How?" and he replied that he could spank me with his leather belt "and it would be a pleasure!"
    My friend looked horrified but I had no option but to agree.
    An Assistant came to the checkout and three of us went upstairs.
    We waited in his office until he came back with a belt. He told me to remove my tight jeans and my panties. "And my panties? They are only small." I queried. "And your panties", came the reply.
    Rachel looked shocked as I stripped off the jeans & tiny panties revealing my trim bum and my triangle of pubic hair.
    A cushion was placed on the corner of the desk and I bent over it, legs parted. Rachel was asked to hold my hands across the desk.
    I was told I would get 25 lashes of the belt and he began placing them from the top of my cheeks to the top of my thighs where they really stung. Rachel was red faced as she saw me moving rhythmically on the cushion just knowing what was happening but the lashing continued, me yelping as the belt cut in.
    I lay exhausted (& spent!) feeling a wet cushion beneath me!
    Thoughtfully, I was offered cold cream and Rachel applied it to my aching cheeks and thighs before we left the shop.
    Although painful and embarrassing at the time my thrashing taught me a salutary lesson and in doing so introduced me and Rachel to what can be experienced as a result of it!

  24. It's so embarrassing baring your bum to someone for the first time and even more so if the excitement and heat makes you cum. First time I got a bare bum punishment I peed all over the table on the 1st whack. After wiping up I got 6 whacks instead of 4, so 7 altogether.

  25. Many of your posts reter to horses and stables and my meeting with corporal punishment was at riding stables when I was in my teens.
    The stable manager, Judie, was a lady in her 30's and I found her very attractive with shapely boobs under her white top and a very trim bottom accentuated by tight jodphrs.
    I tended to lose patience with a horse and use the crop or whip a little too often. One day she said she had observed me whipping the horse too often and she felt I was an unsuitable student at the stables.
    I was devastated and pleaded with her to give me another chance.
    She thought for a while and then said that she could give me a whipping as a punishment. Without thinking, I agreed.
    She told me to stay behind when the stables closed at 7pm and to go to the haybarn. I went wondering what I had agreed to.
    Judie was already there when I arrived looking extremely attractive her white snug fitting top accentuating her boobs and her jods her shapely bum.
    She had placed a rug over some bales and on the bench was a riding crop, a small whip and a rattan cane! I was worried!
    She lectured me on my behaviour towards the horses and said she was going to give me a dose of the crop, whip and rattan cane and that if I accepted her punishment I was welcome to stay and use her horses. I could but hesitatingly agree.
    What came next shocked me. She told me to remove my jods and briefs for punishment!
    I was already rather excited down below and my penis immediately sprang to attention as my jods and briefs were removed.
    Judie smiled, obviously liking the view whilst I dreamed of what I could do with her over those bales!
    She guided me to the bales and I bent over them my erect penis and balls sinking into the rug. My legs were tapped apart with the crop.
    Suddenly it was whipped up under my cheeks and I screamed. The pain was awful.
    Another 2 cuts had me writhing before she put the crop down.
    I felt the thongs of the whip brush across my nates before it was lashed down four times in quick succession. I howled!
    I was asked if I liked the crop and whip and I managed a negative reply...."Neither does a horse!", she said.
    Next, I felt the tapping of the cane on the top of my thighs before it cut into them.
    She laid on 6 strokes as I squirmed about, almost turning over on the rug.
    Then I lay panting before being helped up and told to dress and go and take care of my 'excited member'. Judie looked rather flushed & I am sure she was thinking what she might have done with it in other circumstances!
    After those unishments our relationship improved to the extent of kissing and cuddling in times of stress.

    1. It really is amazing what jodphrs do for a girls figure.
      I have a 34d-26-36 figure my 36" bum filling out my jods extremely well. My bum often gets a friendly pat or slap which sometimes leads to other things.
      Love your post, Rob, and I can quite imagine Judie liking to deal with your naked bum.
      Did you ever manage to have have other " dealings" with her?
      If so, please tell us.

    2. Just like Rebekah my bum is accentuated by wearing my jodphurs and I am sure that their prominence led to my getting a dose of the riding crop at the stables where I ride.
      Just like many others who have posted I used to loose patience with horses and use the crop a little too often.
      The stable owner, David, was around 35 and a very attractive man. I was 21 at the time and tended to enjoy flaunting my figure.
      I had been warned of using the crop too often until one day I was told that I would not be welcomed at the stables in future. I chatted to David and eventually he agreed to punish me. I had always fancied him so thought it might "break the ice" but I wasn't expecting what happened.
      We met in the office one evening and he told me he was going to give me a cropping! I was in shock and even more so when he told me to remove my jods, sit on his desk and lay back raising my legs above my head and putting my hands behind my knees to support them. Thankfully he did not tell me to remove my thong although it was extremely brief.
      I really felt exposed but, in some ways, I would have been pleased to show him my charms.
      He patted my bum cheeks with his hand before tapping them with the whalebone crop. He wacked in the crop 6 times in quick succession and I screamed. The pain was awful and worse than I ever imagined it could be although it also ignited other feelings between my legs. He gave me 2 more strokes before flicking the crops leather end lightly between my legs and catching my labia lips. That was the final straw and I was brought to a shaking and uncontrollable orgasm!
      I was so embarrassed as, avidly watching me, David smiled.
      He helped me off the desk and to the wash room where I removed the wet thong and put on my jods.
      We sat and chatted over a coffee and arranged to date the following week.
      I was very attracted to him and that night following dinner I showed him the crop marks still evident on my cheeks and that led on to other rather enjoyable things.
      It really is remarkable what a cropping can start!

    3. Great post, Samantha. I think it's the initial exposure of ones 'charms' that shocks the system and more so as one gets older.
      I was a virgin into my 20's so when I was an experienced Girl Guide and caned 'on the bare' by a Senior Guide it was traumatic. Even though it was done in private the raising of my skirt, lowering of my knickers, bending over and having my legs tapped apart was mind blowing.
      However that was soon forgotten at the time as the nasty rattan cut into my arse 6 times with long pauses between strokes. Pulling my knickers back up was extremely painful as they rubbed the rising weals left by the cane. My Guide friends all wanted to see my stripes so for two days I went knickerless for the first time which made showing them much easier and, indeed , was more comfortable except if they fingered the weals.

    4. I also met Corporal punishment in the Guides which, I think, was quite unofficial.
      We were at camp and 3 of us went skinny dipping and were caught by the Guider. The 20 other Guides at camp were assembled to witness us being caned. We were marched out front and had to take our skirts and panties off and with arses facing the assembly bend over a table parting our legs.
      We were lectured and then each of us got one stroke at a time so the pain really sunk in.
      We each got 6 delivered at full force and 18 shrieks filled the air! We were left bent over the table as the Guides filed past to inspect our bottoms as a warning. Of the 3 of us 2 had cum during the caning and it showed on the table!

    5. My friends Debbie and Hilary have told me of Lanka Caning and I find the posts fascinating.
      I was involved with teams of Majorettes for some years and corporal punishment was used very often to ensure excellent performance. The girls would get demerits over the course of a month if their performances were not up to scratch.
      Girls with more than 2 demerits in a month were sent to me as the leader/organizer of 3 groups and I would deal with them.
      Juniors were usually cautioned first time but if repeated they would receive a spanking. This was given by hand with their knickers pulled up into the crease between their cheeks.
      Any further repeats involved a dose of the leather belt with knickers down.
      Senior girls were similarly dealt with but they would get the rattan cane instead of the belt and at least 4 but often 6 strokes with knickers removed. This was not liked at all as the marks would tend to stay and could show when performing with a result she would not appear again until they had faded!
      Also if caned with knickers off a girl would show far more than the cheeks of her bum as their legs would be spread and many of the older Majorettes were already shaving their pubic hair so a caning could be very revealing.
      But all this ensured generally great performances by the team.

    6. Belinda told me about her post and I just had to add mine.
      I first met corporal punishment when serving in the Wrens.
      Always very unofficial and denied by the Army but it was certainly practised by many C.O.'s
      I was in the C.O's office and dealt with his secretarial work.
      One day I really screwed up an assignment and he called me in to his office. After discussion he said he would be asking to have me transferred to another unit. I loved my job and pleaded to be let stay.
      He thought for a few minutes and then offered to punish me instead. I readily accepted not knowing 'how' and was told to come to his office at 7pm.
      This I did wondering what was in store.
      He said he had made an exception for me as he liked me and found me an attractive addition to his office, at which I was flattered. I supposed it was my blonde hair and 34-25-36 figure!
      He told me was going to cane me and that I was to go into the next room, remove my uniform and shirt and wait for him.
      In the room there was a desk with a duvet over it , on which was placed a rattan cane about 1 metre long.
      I did as instructed and stood waiting in my tiny bra and panties feeling very self concious!
      In a few minutes he arrived and complimented me on my figure saying he had seldom seen such an attractive woman.
      He told me that for this 1st offence I would only get 6 strokes ON MY BARE BOTTOM so would I please remove my panties and bend over the desk? He said that subsequent offences might mean up to 12 strokes and, maybe, administered in diaper position up on the desk. WOW, I thought!
      I was shocked but had no reason to refuse.
      He looked approvingly as I slid my panties off to reveal my neat triangle of pubic hair and my bubble-butt.
      Over the desk I felt exposed but soon forgot that as No 1 stroke was whipped in hard under my cheeks.
      I yelped and waggled my bum from side to side.
      "I like your movement", was the reply.
      10 seconds later No 2 bit into the centre of my cheeks and I let out a screech! Again a wait and No 4 was put at the top of my cheeks. I moved my hand back and was warned that touching my bum would attract further strokes. The ache & throbbing was growing and I was getting damp down below.
      No 5 was placed between the others before the final was placed diagonally. God that brought the others to life and I collapsed sobbing.
      I heard him leave the room for a few minutes before returning and asking me if I wanted him to apply cold cream to my bottom. I readily agreed and he massaged it into my throbbing cheeks. Inadvertantly I had repositioned myself in his absence and my legs were futher apart. I am sure he noticed that as he applied the cream and his fingers slipped deeper than, perhaps, necessary between my cheeks as I pushed back. Towards the end of my caning I had become aroused but this tipped me 'over the edge' and I humped the duvet! "Is that better now?" he enquired to which I could only reply, "Yes, thank you".
      As I dressed he said it had been a pleasure to cane such a lovely bottom and to witness a beautiful girl have her orgasm.
      From that time on our relationship in the office improved and I did enjoy his attention and a couple of canings given with affection on many evenings when I had the pleasure of seeing him cum too!
      As a result my career blossomed until I eventually retired at the end of my contract. But the memory of that first caning and my cumming remains vivid to this day.

    7. I really enjoy reading Lanka Caning everyday and new postings often bring back distant memories and, often, painful experiences. Very much like Gemma I was introduced to corporal punishment just after I left college and was working as a personal assistant to the Director of a small company.
      I was 19 and had a nice trim figure about 34-26-34 which, I think, probably influenced my appointment!
      My boss was just over 30 and a quite handsome chap who was not married.
      All went well for some time but one day I really cocked up a deal and was called in to his office. During discussion it was suggested I join the typing or sales office but I pleaded with him. He thought for a few minutes and then said, "I could punish you". I was a little shocked but asked, "How?"
      "Well, I always got caned, and I still have a school cane at home, so I could cane you". Frankly I was shocked but anxious to save my job.
      I agreed to go to his house on the following Sunday.
      It was summer so I dressed in a light top and a pair of tight jeans over a pretty bra and tiny panties.
      We had coffee and chatted before he suggested we go to his study.
      On the desk was a long rattan cane and a rug had been spread over one corner.
      " I would like you to remove your top , your jeans and your panties and get ready for the cane. I will then give you 6 strokes and then consider if any more are required".
      " May I keep my panties on, please?" "No!" was his emphatic answer.
      He looked on intently as I stripped also removing my bra for good effect!! " You have beautiful boobs and outstanding nipples", was his reaction.
      Over the corner of the desk my legs parted as I thought that his seeing a bit more really didn't matter!
      He gave me 6 strokes, but not unduly hard, before patting my cheeks, squeezing my boobs and telling me to get dressed.
      We sat and enjoyed a drink before parting.
      From that time on our relationship improved as did my salary & any mention of further c.p. made me concentrate!

    8. Such actions between boss and secretary or assistant seem quite frequent and a similar event happened in my office. Jackie was only 18 when I interviewed her. She was about 5' 7" tall, blonde and had a stunning figure for her age. Her breasts were high and seemed firm and she wore tantalizingly short skirts.
      We bonded well. But she began to get careless and we lost some lucrative contracts through her negligence. I called her in for a serious chat saying that I was disatisfied and I felt she should join the girls in the office. She was stunned and began to cry. I comforted her and said that there might be another way rather liking the thought of something more intimate. She asked, "How?" and I said, "I could punish you?"
      She looked surprised. "I might spank or cane your bottom!"
      She smiled and replied that it was a long time since she had been caned by her Mother but she would agree to me chastising her as I wished. I was pleased.
      We agreed that on the Friday evening we would stay behind when the Office closed.
      On Friday she came to work in a trouser suit over a low cut top and I felt that she thought she would be punished over her trousers. She would be surprised!
      After work she went to the toilet and then came to my office.
      i had acquired a rattan cane from Amazon and it was on my desk. "Wow", she said picking it up, "that brings back memories!" I replied that after this evening she would have plenty to remember, and she smiled.
      I told her I was going to give her 3 batches of 3 strokes with time between for a short break. "9!!" she replied, shocked.
      "Could be more if you leap up", I retorted.
      "First I want you to take off your suit." She looked shocked again. "But...", "No buts," I replied.
      Slowly she removed her jacket and then her trousers. Her plain top emphasized her lovely breasts the nipples plain to see as there was no bra. Below, her tiny panties barely covered her pubic bush.
      "I want you over the desk, please and then I will slide your panties down".
      "No, please..." "Ok then , remove them yourself!"
      Hesitatingly she did. Her blonde bush looked natural and beautiful and I couldn't help squeeze the lovely cheeks of her bum. Over the desk she looked stunning as I tapped her legs apart fully revealing her puckered anal bud and the beautiful lips of her labia with wisps of blonde pubic hair. Yes, she was a beautiful young woman, I thought.
      I whacked in stroke 1 on the undercheek accompanied by an "OUCH!!" No 2 followed mid cheek and No 3 right at the top. Each drew a yelp.
      I let her get up and rub her cheeks . "I'm hot, may I remove my top?" She did to reveal her wonderful high, firm breasts. I just couldn't take my eyes off them.
      "You may feel them if you wish", she whispered and I needed no second offer! They were superb and the nipples iron hard between my fingers.
      After a few minutes caning recommenced with "OWs!!", and "Oohs" accompanying the whack of the cane until another 3 had been given.
      She asked for a short break and I said ok but the last 3 would be in a different position. She agreed not really knowing my plan.
      After 5 minutes she was ready having popped to the toilet.
      I told her to sit on the desk, lay back, raise her legs and clamp her hands behind her knees. Suddenly she realised the position, and blushed profusely but did as requested.
      If it were possible she looked more stunning than ever with every part of her glorious body on display.
      I did not cane her hard but filled in the gaps between the other 6 stripes that were turning blue.
      Truthfully I was tantalized by her beautiful womanly assets & did not want to inflict further pain.
      I helped her up and she thanked me for her correction and
      for letting her keep her job as my PA.
      " Well, you've seen all of me now.....what do you think?"
      I told her that she was the most lovely girl I have ever known and I looked forward to working with her in future as she had no secrets but if she relapsed then she knew what to expect.

  26. I liked Julie's story of South American justice and could relate to it.
    Many years ago I worked in central Africa where Justice was harsh and caning the norm.
    I was in the Penal Service and caning wrong doers all part of the job. We dealt with males and females who had been sentenced to caning and also attended to prisoners in the main prison and in the junior section, the Reformatory. who needed to be punished. Both the cane and leather whip were used.
    Depending on their misdeeds the recipient may get a 'trousers and pants down' or 'skirt up & knickers down' punishment or have to strip completely. Generally any punishment for a sexual related offence would be the latter. Also females seemed to get naked canings more often!
    Being a red bloodied man I rather liked dealing with the middle aged women who were experienced and tended to flaunt their assets, but some teen girls were fun too as they thought they could reduce their punishment by showing more than was necessary. Sometimes they were shocked when we would have them 'legs-up' on the bench for their whipping showing everything they had and some would squirt during their punishment, much to our delight and their embarrassment. The caning or whipping was always severe with a minimum of 12 strokes or lashes and for the worst cases anything up to 50 which inevitably broke the skin and sometimes resulted in a prisoner fainting & having to be revived before punishment was continued. Very seldom did a wrongdoer come back for further caning or whipping which seems to prove a point?

    1. Yes, penal correction now seems a thing of the past but only 10 years ago it was still used in Africa,
      I was a Correctional Officer serving both the Mens and Womens establishments and the Courts. My colleague was female but we both attended any 'correction'. She often punished the men and vice versa. Both the Cane and Sjambok leather whip was used although women and girls were only caned. Many of them tended to flaunt their assets to try to mitigate their punishment but we would often give them a special dose for their cheekiness. This was sometimes a "legs-up" which most hated.
      Those punished were always tethered to an 'X' frame so if they were difficult or exhibitionist there could be a quick 'flick' delivered on a man's scotum or a woman or girls pussy. We always kept a small 6 tailed whip for this! Thankfully the punishment chamber was soundproofed as a whip on the scrotum or pussy lips often produced agonizing screams.
      I feel that many of today's wrongdoers might benefit from old methods.

    2. I had a Judicial canng in South Africa at the time of Apartheid as I was caught 3 times with black guys. I was warned but on the third occasion sentenced to a Judicial Caning. It was carried out following the Court hearing in a sound proofed room at the Court Buildings.There was absolutely no privacy and I was accompanied by a female Officer but the cane was administered by a man and with two others watching!
      I had to strip completely in the room and use the toilet there.
      I was only 19 but had a nice 36-26-37 figure and the men smiled as it was revealed.
      I was tethered over the X frame so all my girlie charms were revealed as a Doctor examined me and proclaimed me fit for punishment.
      As it was a 3rd offence I had been sentenced to 25 strokes of the cane. I had never been caned before and did not know what to expect.
      The pain was horrendous and I fainted after about 15 lashes.
      Brought round the cane wacked in again and I screamed at every stroke.
      I was taken to a room to recover and to have my bottom attended to as my cheeks were bleeding.
      I couldn't work for two weeks and wore skirts without knickers although no one knew!
      My experiences with black guys were wonderful but the cost horrific for a teenager.

    3. Awful punishment but you had got away with it twice and many teens think they can flash their eyes and attributes and do as they please.
      I got the Reformatory cane when I was 19. I was very shy and no one had seen my privates before and I had a well developed body. It was administered by a male officer and a total of 3 men and 2 women were present and seemed to enjoy my body and pain as they smirked as I was lashed.
      I did not reoffend!! One severe thrashing was enough.

    4. I got a thrashing in a Court in South America very much like the girls in Julie's story.
      I was still in my teens and hiking with a girlfriend. We were stopped at a checkpoint and they found a quantity of mild drugs in our knapsacks. Two shapely teenagers to punish, what could be better?
      We spent a night in a cell and were in Court next morning.
      We pleaded 'Guilty' and the session lasted 10 minutes!
      Each of us was awarded 12 strokes of the cane, to be given before the Court with Magistrates, Officials and public present. That we did not expect and were shocked.
      We were taken to a room and told to strip and put on a light knee length chemise.
      Both of us had well developed breasts, mine were 35c and my friends 34c and nice bubble butts below. Thankfully we had lush triangles of pubic hair which hid our lower charms, or so we thought.
      In the Courtroom had been placed 2 X shaped trestles and our chemises were taken and we were tethered over them with our arses towards the spectators. Despite our bushes I think our anuses and labias were on full view as our legs were stretched apart.
      Two women officers had canes and we were whipped simultaneously.
      Our screams echoed around the Courtroom as the canes were lashed down. We were very soon in agony.
      We lay sobbing until unbuckled and helped to the changing room. Our butts were swollen and aching and we spent a few days in our accommodation recovering from an experience of a lifetime!

    5. What an awful experience in public.
      I had a caning in South Africa but in private at a Police Station and administered by a female Officer with no one else present.
      I had to strip and be body searched and I think she was a lesbian as she seemed to massage my breasts as she lifted them and squeezed my nipples. I was then asked to bend across a table and spread my legs her fingers probed deep into my anal passage before going between the lips of my labia and seeking out my clitorus which she stimulated. She was very gentle and all that tended to make me relax somewhat and I think I came over her fingers!
      I was then tethered over a spanking bench and she massaged my cheeks with oil finally stroking between them. She gave me 6 strokes before running her hand over the ridges on my cheeks and then a final 3 on the top of my thighs and on the under cheek.
      I lay there and felt her hand applying cream to my wounds and, again, slipping between my legs.
      My bum & thighs ached but her wonderful fingers helped me through the ordeal.

    6. You were lucky! Not that I have lesbian tendencies, but it did take away some of the pain having some of your girlie charms serviced!

    7. What an experience, Judie. Certainly made your punishment less with no onlookers too. Shows that sometimes lesbians can improve a situation. I think I would have been shocked as a totally inexperienced teen as no one had seen or touched my coochie or my arse, not even a woman. But my punishment changed all that. About 6 months after I had my first sex....with a woman!

    8. I went to a Convent Boarding School where discipline was strict. The Mother Superior was the Head and in charge of discipline. The teachers could punish girls but by hand slapping or the use of a small leather tawse and always over knickers.
      One or two would get you to pull your knickers up between your cheeks so you would be virtually bare bottomed but not showing your privates.
      If you were sent to the Head it would be a different matter and you would get it 'on the bare'.
      This could be over her desk or over the horse in the gym
      where naked canings were not unknown, sometimes in front of your class. You were always tethered, legs apart if over the horse and with your bum towards the audience. In this position a girl had no secrets and some 'spurted' during punishment, only to be given a similar one in a weeks time.
      I think the Head liked my developing body as I was always caned in private and she would put cold cream on my bum (and other parts!) after a caning which, often, was in the nude. Obviously I didn't complain & secretly enjoyed the special attension. In fact I remember that my first orgasm occured on her desk under the attention of her fingers!

  27. Yes, Louisa, sex is so satisfying with a woman as they seem to appreciate our needs and are usually extremely gentle.
    My current girlfriend can apply a strap or a riding crop expertly to my cheeks before using her tongue to give me the most wonderful orgasm! We just LOVE to tongue one another in the 69 position after getting hot bottoms!

    1. That sounds wonderful Karen.
      My girlfriend, Samantha, enjoys having her bottom thrashed before sex just as I do. Usually, we like the warmth a leather belt imparts making our cheek glow. Following the spanking we settle down in the 69 position to tongue each others clits.
      We find it extra exciting to dig our fingers into one anothers hot cheeks during this which gives extra 'sensations'.
      Needless to say cumming isn't difficult!

  28. Informal punishment of wrong doers is well documented in Lanka Caning & I thought followers may like to know the experiences of a friend, Mike, and I when back- packing in Spain.
    We were 18 and on a hiking trip.
    One day we came upon a small farm with fields of fruit trees, many fruits ripe for picking. It seemed isolated and uninhabited so we gathered some fruit and had a feast.Part way through eating a lady, probably in her 30's, appeared accusing us in broken English of theft and said she would call the police. She said she was Gina. She was quite attractive and wearing tatty shorts with a thin loose shirt. By the movement of her breasts and nipples it was pretty obvious she wore nothing under her shirt.
    I suggested she might punish us in some way.
    She looked surprised but then smiled, saying that her father used to take a belt to her when she was younger. We looked at one another, releaved, and perhaps a little excited."
    "We go to cabin", she said, "Follow me". We did, admiring the movement of her bottom under the tight shorts.
    We came to a large chalet and went in and sat in a lounge area as she went to another room returning with a long,wide and thick leather belt. "This is father's old belt with which he used to thrash my bare bottom when I was younger", she said, "and it hurt as he always gave me 25 lashes & I will give you the same, so take off your shorts and pants!"
    We looked at one another aghast as I felt stirrings down below.
    I unbuckled and removed my shorts." And the briefs", she said. I did so but could not control my rising manhood. Mike did likewise with similar results. Gina smiled looking down in what seemed admiration.
    "I want you both over the table. I will spread cloth in case of accident". She rested the belt on my cheeks before lashing it down.
    Then she did likewise to Mike. It certainly hurt but we managed to take over 15 lashes before yelping. She continued until a total of 50 had been applied. We were sore and tearful standing up to show our excited members. Gina brought wine and suggested we go outside where there was a small shaded pool.
    " You may take off your shirts and cool in the pool if you wish as you have nothing more to show", she said, smiling. We did, the cool water caressing our burning bums and soothing our penises a little.
    Gina removed her shirt revealing her lovely firm brown breasts and long dark nipples which only seemed to reinforce my erection! She then stepped out of her shorts but retained her tiny, almost transparent, thong which became even more so underwater!
    After some hours we felt better and took our leave of our lovely host but the memories live on!
