Thursday 21 November 2013

Indian Police Caning Story from OTD By Fenton Creek

Indian Police Caning Story from OTD

A story about life in India (Police Caning Story)

By Fenton Creek

In parts of India it is not uncommon for offenders to be given an ‘off the record’ caning for minor offences. Records of the crime are then conveniently lost but a blind eye is turned as this reduces police paperwork and court time.
This article, from the Old Delhi Times, is an interview with a young woman caught stealing from a market stall in an undisclosed Indian city.
Old Delhi Times: So, tell us how it all started?
Nita (name changed): I was in the market with my friend Vara (name also changed) and saw some nice fabric. My Masi (aunt) wanted to make a dress for my little cousin and the cloth was just right, but I could not afford it. So while Vara distracted the stallholder I took it and slipped it into my bag.
ODT: But you got caught?
Nita: Yes, another stallholder saw what happened. He grabbed me and when Vara tried to run away she was caught as well. Then a Constable came and took us to the Police station.
ODT: What happened there?
Nita: We were taken to the Inspector’s office and had to wait on a bench outside. There were two girls from the local Senior School waiting, and a well-dressed woman who was about thirty-five years old. She went in first, then came out a few minutes later and a Policewoman took her away. We were then called in.
ODT: To see the Inspector?
Nita: Yes. He told us that we had a choice. We could go to the Magistrate and possibly get a fine – which we could not afford, or perhaps go to prison for a few days.
ODT: Did that scare you?
Nita: Yes. Vara’s friend had been in prison and it was not nice, especially for a young woman.
ODT: And the choice?
Nita: The Inspector said that instead of going to the Magistrate, we could have five strokes of the cane each, at the Police station that afternoon. That would then be the end of it. No fine. No record.
ODT: And you accepted?
Nita: I did not think there was any other way. The Inspector called for the Policewoman and she took us away to another building in the police compound.
ODT: What happened there?
Nita: She opened the door and told us to go in. There was a big bare room with small windows high up and a toilet in the corner. There was another door opposite.
ODT: Was anybody else in there?
Nita: Yes. There was a woman and she was naked! I realised that it was the same woman that had been in the Inspector’s office.
ODT: Then what happened?
Nita: The Policewoman gave us a plastic bag each. She told us to get undressed and put our clothes into the bag. She said we could keep our chappal (sandals) but nothing else.
ODT: So you did as you were told.
Nita: I asked why we had to take our clothes off. She said: “Cane is on bare bottom. Also the police compound is unlocked, but without clothes you cannot sneak away. You will get everything back after your punishment.”
ODT: Did you know it was a bare bottom caning?
Nita: No! I was wearing a salwaar chemiz (traditional long loose shirt and trouser suit) so I thought that the cane would not hurt so much. Vara had a saree and underskirt so she thought same thing.
ODT: So you stripped?
Nita: What else could we do? It was embarrassing. Nobody ever sees me naked; I only take my clothes off to have a bath. But we stripped and put our clothes in the bags.
ODT: Then what happened?
Nita: Then the two schoolgirls came in and they had to strip to their shoes and socks.
All five of us were now naked. After about five minutes the other door opened and a woman wearing an Inspector’s uniform came in. We were told to go through the door.
ODT: What did you find?
Nita: It was a small open yard with brick walls. There was a sort of a narrow bench with a leather top in the shape of upside down V. Beside it there was another policewoman holding a lathi (type of short whip carried by police).
The Inspector lady called the lady we saw earlier over to the bench. She had to lean right over it. It must have been very shameful for her as we could see all her privates. The Inspector nodded to the Policewoman. She walked over to the bench, raised up the lathi, then whipped it across the lady’s bottom.
ODT: How did she react?
Nita: She made a little shriek but that was all. The Inspector nodded and the policewoman whipped her again. The lady stayed quiet but I saw her body go tense. After the next stroke she cried out a little bit, same for the next two strokes. She was then allowed to stand up.
ODT: What next?
Nita: Now it was Vara’s turn. She was bent over the bench as well. First stroke she just gasped, second one she cried out, third one she started crying. The Policewoman waited a few seconds then gave the fourth stroke, Vara cried out: “No more!” Then the fifth stroke and she was allowed to get up trembling and sobbing. She came over to me and I pulled her close to comfort me. It was very strange to be naked and hugging another naked woman.
ODT: And then?
It was the turn of one of the schoolgirls. She bent over the bench and took her five strokes without much noise; she seemed to just gasp instead of crying or screaming.
ODT: Please carry on:
Nita: Now it was the turn of the other schoolgirl. She bent over the bench but after first stroke she stood up again rubbing her bottom. The Policewoman told her to bend over again, but she was crying and refusing. The Inspector and Policewoman grabbed her, put handcuffs on her behind her back then bent her over the bench again. The Inspector held her shoulders down while the strokes were given. She screamed every time, it was terrible noise. When she got up and had the handcuffs taken away she just walked about sobbing and rubbing her bottom.
ODT: Now it was your turn?
Nita: Yes, I think that going last was the worst. I bent over the bench and it felt so shameful as everybody could see my bottom and my private parts. I was all tense, I did not know when the first lash was coming. The first one startled me but it was not so painful as I expected. Then second one came right in the same place, very painful but I still kept quiet. Third one, though, was too much and I just screamed out. I was panting and could hardly breathe. I tried to stand up but the policewoman just pushed me back over the bench. Fourth one was not as hard as the others, then after that the Policewoman was whispering to the Inspector and I hoped it was over.
ODT: And was it?
Nita: No, I had started to relax, then last lash came. I screamed out and tried not to cry. Then the Policewoman tapped my shoulder and told me to get up.
ODT: Then what happened?
Nita: We were sent back inside again. Vara, and one of the schoolgirls were still sobbing. Vara and I gave each other a hug. After that we had to wait for about five minutes, still in the nude, before another policewoman came back with our clothes. We were then allowed to get dressed and go home.
ODT: Would you ever go stealing again?
Nita: (laughs) – Oh no, I have learned my lesson.

The Perils of Drinking in the Middle East By Pat Greenham

The Perils of Drinking in the Middle East

By Pat Greenham
As Julie was being interviewed in the Police Station after spending an uncomfortable night in the cells, she knew that she was in big trouble. The previous evening had been normal enough until one of her friends suggested going to a party in town. That’s where it all went badly wrong.
This was Julie’s second year working for a Emirates airline as an Air Hostess. She was having a great time – a normal month would see her doing three long haul trips, each with about four days away from home with the rest of the time spent in the sun. Julie lived on a compound that was for the sole use of employees of the airline, largely air hostesses and stewards. The compound was safe and outside the concerns of the police who turned a ‘blind eye’ to the alcohol that was consumed. Indeed most of the employees were allowed to buy a certain amount of alcohol per month from government controlled centers. The rules were clear – that this was purely for home consumption.
On the previous night, Julie and another hostess were arrested at a party and charged with illegally consuming alcohol at an address in the town as well as being under the influence. She had slept badly and was now in front of two police officers together with a representative from the airline, a chap called Patrick Smith. Both officers were fluent in English and told her that they had no alternative but to charge her and put her before the court later the same day. Julie was in a complete panic and asked if she needed to have a solicitor. The airline representative asked the officers if he might have a few moments alone with Julie.
As the officers left, Patrick Smith told Julie that getting a solicitor would be a waste of time as she had no alternative but to plead guilty to the charge and face the court. He added that she was not the only airline employee involved and if asked, his advice would be the same for the other girl. Julie asked what was likely to happen in court, to be told that the local judges were very unpredictable, but that generally because the airline was state owned they tried to avoid as much publicity as possible. He said there were a number of possibilities included a jail term, a fine and deportation. He told Julie that there was one further possibility, which would involve her being sentenced to lashes, but added that he felt this to be very unlikely, particularly as she was a female. Julie did not know what to think as the officers returned and began the formal charging process. At the end the officer in charge asked Julie if she intended to plead guilty as it would make things a lot easier and added that the court generally tends to look more favorably on those that admitted their crime.
Patrick Smith was known and trusted by the police and was told that Julie was free to return to the compound but that he was to ensure she was brought before the court at 2 pm. Further that she should dress in line with the culture of the country as opposed to the jeans and revealing top she was wearing.
In the car, Julie again asked what Patrick thought might happen – to which he replied that he genuinely had no idea, but hoped that it would not be too severe, telling her that he would give her a character reference and try to mitigate against any kind of jail term.
Patrick dropped her off at the compound and told her to be ready by 1.30 when he would come and take her to court. Julie changed into her most formal airline uniform, which consisted of a full-length dress and jacket and tried to have some lunch while she waited. In truth she had no appetite and the time dragged until Patrick collected her and drove her to court.
The Court House was austere and Julie and Patrick waited to be called. During this time another girl from the party arrived with a different airline representative, clearly having been through exactly the same process. At 2 on the dot Julie and Patrick were called into the court to be greeted by two judges and a number of officials. There were also a number of people in the public gallery. Only one of the judges spoke English and when Julie was asked to stand in the dock, he read out the charge sheet about consuming alcohol in a public place that she had earlier signed before asking her how she was to plead. Julie knew there was no sense in saying anything else but “guilty”, to which the judge nodded.
The judge then asked Patrick if he had anything to say to which he read from a prepared statement about her pervious good record and told the court that she was a valued employee and asked that Julie’s admission of guilt be taken into account and stressed that she did not want to waste any unnecessary court time. When Patrick had finished the judge said that he wanted to retire for five minutes to discuss the case with his colleague.
After the longest five minutes of Julie’s life they returned and asked her to stand. The judge that spoke English told her that they had taken everything that had been said into account including her guilty plea and had decided that in this case a custodial sentence was not necessary. However the only alternative they were prepared to consider was a flogging and it had been decreed that she would receive twelve lashes. The judge asked her if she understood her sentence to which Julie nodded having no idea what twelve lashes actually meant, but that it sounded awful.
The judge said that the hearing was suspended and asked the court official to take Julie to the waiting room so that the appropriate equipment could be set up in the court for her sentence to be carried out. Julie could not take in everything that was happening – she wasn’t going to jail which was an incredible relief but she certainly had not got used to the shocking idea that she was going to suffer a flogging – and that it was going to happen immediately and in the court room itself.
Julie was then taken from the court by a side door down a corridor to a small room with a number of chairs and told to wait. Moments later Patrick joined her and told her that he was very surprised at the outcome but that she should content herself with the fact that despite what was about to happen, she had avoided prison and a heavy fine. He added that it was also very unusual for the court not to apply a deportation order which meant that she could keep her job.
Julie asked him if he knew anything about what a flogging involved, to which Patrick told her that whilst the words used were flogging and lashes, his understanding was that the punishment would be more similar to a caning as carried out in English public schools. Julie asked Patrick if it would be given by a male or female and who would be present – Patrick replied that he was uncertain but suggested that everyone that had been in the court room would remain to witness her flogging and that he would ensure he was with her at all times. He added that there may be an element of humiliation involved.
A few minutes later the court official returned and told Julie that the officer that was going to administer the flogging was ready and that she should return to the courtroom. Julie and Patrick followed the official back to the court room that now had an A framed trestle to the left of the judges bench with a number of canes on the table. Julie saw that the trestle had a number of straps that were clearly to be used to secure anyone being punished. There were four straps on each of the legs of the trestle and two on the rear cross bar toward the middle. Patrick had been right, as everyone that had attended the hearing was still present, and as word had spread that a flogging was to take place, others from the Court House had come to watch the spectacle. Also to Julie’s horror there was a new male officer standing by the trestle that was clearly going to administer the flogging.
The judge declared that the court was back ‘in session’ and the senior officer detailed to administer the flogging read out the official court report that outlined her punishment in more detail. The instrument to be used for the flogging would be a thirty-six inch cane and the lashes were to be 60 seconds apart. Then came the most shocking statement, when the officer told her that she will receive the punishment without clothes, adding that: “As you western girls parade about the beach in a state of scandalous nudity, you will be flogged on your unprotected buttocks.”
He then told Julie to remove whatever clothes necessary to be undressed below the waist, which sent her into a sense of inner panic. Patrick had previously told her that however awful the situation was, it would all be over in half an hour and that it would be best to comply. Julie then faced the prospect of undressing in front of everyone in the courtroom, but told herself she had no choice and remembered that she had avoided a prison term. She took off her jacket before asking if she could pull up her dress – to which he repeated that the required items of clothing covering her lower half must be completely removed. Realising she was going to have to take off her dress, she regretted not choosing her other uniform that included a skirt which would have allowed a small amount of modesty. She then unzipped her floor length uniform dress and let it fall to the ground before folding it and placing it on the table. Because of the hot climate she was not wearing any tights or stockings and Julie stood before them in her underwear.
The officer that was going to cane Julie was obviously enjoying her discomfort as he told her to remove her shoes and ‘lower underwear’. Julie slipped off her shoes and knew it was a hopeless situation as she hesitated before putting her fingers in the elastic of her knickers and slowly pushed them down off her hips to the ground. Now with only her bra remaining and completely naked below the waist she gave everyone in the courtroom a vision to behold – a twenty two year old in fantastic shape, medium height with firm breasts, trim waist and long shapely legs flared up through her hips. Julie was facing the front giving everyone behind her in the court a view of her wonderfully round bottom that was going to be the focus of attention for all shortly. The two judges, the court official and Patrick took in her frontal nudity with her light coloured triangle of pubic hair at the apex of her legs.
Julie was told by the senior officer to approach the trestle and bend over it whilst he instructed the other officers to fasten her ankles and wrists to the straps fixed to the trestle. Julie’s legs were pulled slightly apart as the two straps fixed to the lower cross bar were used and her wrists were attached to the front legs of the trestle. Julie was thankful the straps on the rear legs had not been used which would have meant that her legs would have been wide apart. Once the officers had finished she was very securely attached to the trestle with very little scope for movement and Julie did not know what to think with the horror of her naked bottom presented in the most incredibly embarrassing way to the court and the prospect of a caning that could only be incredibly painful.
The atmosphere was electric as the senior officer selected a cane from the array on the table and tested it by cutting the air a few times. He then approached Julie and told her to expect the first stroke as he lined the cane up across the middle of her bottom before taking it back slowly, hesitating at the top of his swing before bringing it down with speed and striking her bottom. For a split second there was nothing before Julie felt an explosion of pain the like of she had never before experienced and she gasped out load as an immediate red strip formed across both her cheeks quite low about an inch above the crease. Exactly 60 seconds later he repeated the action of taking the cane back slowly before giving Julie her second devastating stroke, which struck quite high on her bottom and caused another gasp as she tried to come to terms with the pain. The 60 second wait before each stroke seemed in some ways to last forever, but in another way it was all too soon that the officer touched Julie’s bottom with the cane before once again taking it back high and bringing it down at speed to hit Julie’s bottom just above the first stroke and caused yet another load gasp.
As the caning continued, the officer was carefully filling in the gap between the first two strokes and it was three minutes after the third strike that Julie received the sixth stroke marking the half way point with another six to come. She had heard of ‘six-of-the-best’ at boys schools when she had grown up and wondered how the six strokes she had received compared. Whatever, her bottom was on fire as she told herself just six more minutes and it would all be over.
Strangely the officer decided to change canes, selecting a slightly longer weapon that was more ‘whippy’. After another minute passed he lined it up between previous strokes and once again thrashed Julie’s bottom, resulting in a very loud gasp as she felt her whole body tense against the straps securing her firmly to the trestle. The new cane felt different – even more stingy whilst slightly less heavy but nevertheless still shatteringly painful.
Julie was determined not to cry but was struggling with the awful pain as well as the knowledge that everyone in the courtroom was witnessing her terrible shame and her dreadful ordeal. She didn’t think it possible for her bottom to be in more pain and it felt as if she had sat on a hot plate. Sixty seconds later the officer took the longer cane back over his shoulder and delivered the eighth stroke finding one of the remaining gaps of white bottom and Julie gave another loud and long gasp as again a brand of fire was created across her bottom.
She knew she had four more strokes to endure as she waited for the ninth stroke wondering what he bottom must look like and again thinking about the twenty or so people, mostly men focusing on it. Julie felt another light tap as the officer took aim and seconds later the cane struck home with another shatteringly painful line of fire applied right across her bottom.
It did not seem to Julie like a full sixty seconds had passed before the tenth stroke was given, this time without a preliminary tap and therefore unexpected but just as hard, this time causing her to cry out. However there were still no tears and Julie was now determined to complete her ordeal without anything more than giving out a gasp.
The eleventh stroke was administered in the same way with the officer finding yet another tiny sliver of white bottom that had not previously been touched and Julie cried out again, but knew she had just one more to endure.
The officer decided to change canes yet again, this time selecting a straight handled cane that was at least forty inches long as he asked the judges if they were satisfied with the punishment or did they want him to administer extra strokes. The judge told the officer that he had administered a sound punishment but added that one extra stroke would be a good way of underlining to the girl the error of her ways.
The officer moved back to Julie’s side and measured the new cane up against her bottom before giving her the twelfth and extra stroke in very quick succession causing both a gasp and a loud cry out. Julie’s bottom had thirteen clear stripes, all positioned between the low first stroke and high second stroke.
Finally it was over and Julie was breathing heavily as one of officers undid the four straps so that she could stand up. She went for her clothes to be told by the judge to stop and turn away so that they could inspect her bottom for themselves. They complemented the officer who had administered the caning on his proficiency as Julie endured yet more humiliation with her frontal nudity on show to everyone in the courtroom. The judge then announced that the court session was over with judgment passed and sentence carried out.
The court official then collected up her dress, knickers and shoes before telling Julie to follow him back to the waiting room where she was finally allowed to put her clothes back on.
Patrick then drove Julie back to the compound where he offered to apply some cold cream to her wounded bottom. Julie initially declined but then thought why not? – he had seen everything she had to show and led him to her bedroom before stripping off and laying face down on her bed as he applied some welcome cold cream.
He told her that he would arrange for her to have a few days off and in reality it took at least ten days for the marks to go. For the first three or four days she was reminded of her caning every time she sat down.
Julie also discovered that she had been right to plead guilty as her friend who was arrested at the same party had been dealt with by another court, had chosen to plead not guilty which resulted in a longer hearing – being found guilty and was given four weeks in jail and a prison flogging which she was later to learn was given in front of all the inmates in the prison square on the second day of her term.

INDIAN DREAMS By Kenny Walters


By Kenny Walters

Jaya Patakala yawned. She was bored, and tired too, having worked in the shop all day since it opened at 8.30. The afternoon had been particularly quiet although in another ten minutes or so, when the schools closed and some of the local businesses followed suit, she could expect to be busy again.
“Jaya! Why are you sitting there yawning? Why don’t you get a cloth out and dust the merchandise and tidy things up? I don’t pay you to sit around day-dreaming you know.”
“Yes, Aunt Malla.”
Jaya did as she was told, knowing only too well it was pointless arguing with her aunt. Just turned eighteen and not long having left school, she was fortunate to have a job in her aunt’s stationery shop. Even though her back ached and her legs were tired, at least it was clean and relatively easy work. Her best friend, Sitara, had to work in her family’s tannery where the work was dirty and very smelly, and the hides very heavy.
Taking the opportunity to move to the front of the shop, in reality a large open-fronted concrete floored room secured by roller shutters at night, Jaya looked idly up and down the street as she dusted some packs of white computer paper. The street was deserted apart from a couple of women chatting together on the opposite side and a man unloading fresh vegetables from a small Suzuki van into another shop about a hundred yards away.
With the computer paper dusted and neatly restacked on the table, Jaya moved along the front of the shop to the next table which held several bundles of pale yellow rattan cane, all neatly cut into three feet lengths and bound together according to their thickness with rough green twine. The canes had been selling well and the bundles were loose where some had been pulled out for customers. Jaya took the opportunity to untie each bundle, wipe each cane and then re-secure it neatly.
“How much longer are you going to keep me waiting, Jaya?”
Jaya jumped as she was awakened from her daydream by an authoritative female voice bellowing into her right ear. She looked round to see whose displeasure she’d incurred this time.
“Sitara! You made me jump!” Jaya grinned in spite of her mock show of annoyance as she recognised her best friend. “What are you doing here at this time? Haven’t you any work to do?”
“No, Jaya. I’m a good girl who gets on with her work instead of standing around daydreaming. That means I can get off early when all the work is done for the day.”
“Your father spoils you, you mean. He should be stricter with you. I think I’ll take some of these canes around to his workshop and recommend he buys a few.”
“I’m afraid you’re a little too late, Jaya. My father already has a good collection, thank you.”
“Really, Sitara?” A twinkle in Jaya’s eye both teased Sitara and urged her to offer a fuller explanation.
“Yes. Oh gracious! I must get home and get the supper on.” Sitara looked pointedly at her watch.
Before Jaya could reply, Sitara had turned away. Then a customer arrived requiring Jaya’s assistance.
“I need several pens for my students to try doing some pen and ink drawings. Do you have any? I’m looking for the old-fashioned sort with wood handles and a separate nib.”
“Yes, we have some in a drawer at the back of the shop. Come with me and I’ll show you.”
Jaya led the middle-aged woman toward an old painted pine unit that had twelve rows of eight drawers each row that a relative had made specially for her aunt. She opened a small drawer in the second row and took out a small paper package. “We have three sizes of nib – small, medium and large.” Jaya held out examples of each size in the palm of her hand.
“What about the holders? The nibs are no good to me without the holders.”
Jaya looked again in the same drawer. This time she brought out a bundle of wooden pen handles, all painted red and secured together by a rubber band. “I’m afraid we have just the one colour of holder. We used to have some blue ones too but they sold out.”
“These will be fine. I’ll take eight holders and ten each of the largest and smallest nibs, please. Students are so careless these days. They’re bound to break the nibs sooner or later.”
Jaya counted out the holders and the nibs, then put them all into a paper bag for the customer. “What about ink? Do you need any ink? We have very good quality ink in black, blue, red and green.”
“What size bottles do you have?”
“We have 14 ml, 28 ml and 42 ml bottles, madam. They’re over here on these shelves.”
“I’ll take two each of the largest size. And it’s miss, not madam.”
“I’m sorry.” Jaya started selecting bottles to meet the customer’s order. “Oh dear, I’m afraid we’ve run out of the largest size of black ink. Would the 28 ml size do for now? We’ll be getting the larger size in very soon.”
“Yes, I’m sure we’ll manage.” The woman smiled and Jaya instantly felt more at ease.
“That’s a total of Rs. 47/-, miss.” Jaya put the customer’s purchases into a larger bag with handles. “Was there anything else that you needed? We have very good stocks of paper at the moment.”
“Quite the little saleswoman, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“Don’t worry! I’m only joking with you. I’m very grateful for your help.”
Jaya smiled weakly, not totally certain she liked being the subject of this woman’s teasing. As the woman left the shop, Jaya followed her so that she could resume her tidying of the canes at the front.
“I’ve been told I should consider buying a few of those.” The woman said, as she watched Jaya. “Do you think they are any good?”
Jaya flushed. “I, er, don’t know. They are quite popular. They sell very well.”
The woman smiled. “I see I have embarrassed you. Come. You can’t have left school so very long ago yourself. How old are you? Eighteen? I bet you know only too well how effective they are, from personal experience. Am I right?”
“No, I never got the cane at school, actually.”
“At home then?”
Jaya suddenly felt very hot. She didn’t answer the customer, preferring to look down at the toes of her feet, protruding from hard leather-soled sandals.
The woman customer chuckled. “I’m sorry, I’m teasing you. I’ll leave you in peace now.”
As the woman finally went on her way down the street, Jaya was joined by her aunt.
“I hope you looked after that customer properly, Jaya. She could be very important to us.”
“Why? Who is she?”
“Her name is Hamsani Thankamma. She’s the new headmistress at the school just to the west of town. I’m hoping she’ll become a very good customer. Now, have you finished dusting? If so, you can start putting some new stock onto the tables.”
The following day, Jaya was sent on an errand by her aunt and had to pass by the tannery where Sitara worked with her father. She found her friend taking a break, leaning against the wall of the single story building.
“Whenever I see you, you are always taking it easy, Sitara.”
“I’ve been scraping the hides, Jaya. It’s so tough to do. It’s really hard work.”
“Yes, I’m lucky. Working in my aunt’s shop isn’t so bad really.”
“Would you like a cup of tea, Jaya?”
“Won’t your father mind?”
Sitara smiled. “No, he’s okay actually. I’ll make him one too. Then he’ll be very happy. Come on into the office.”
Sitara led Jaya through part of the workshop area, where Jaya put a handkerchief to her nose against the smell of the hides being cured in large tanks, and into a white walled office containing a desk and several chairs.
“Take a seat. I’ll put the kettle on.” Sitara left the room through another door and Jaya could hear the metallic sound of a kettle being filled and put on a stove.
Jaya remained standing, looking around and focusing on a large scenic photo on a calendar pinned to the wall. After a few minutes, Sitara returned holding two cups of tea.
“Here, I’ve taken my father a cup too. He’s cutting some hides into strips for a belt maker we sell to.”
“He won’t mind us being here?”
“No. Why should he?”
“I don’t know. I find your father quite intimidating, actually.”
“My father? Intimidating?” Sitara giggled. “Why?”
He never says very much and he always seems to frown. And you said he is very strict with you.”
“No more than any father.” Sitara answered thoughtfully. “Anyway, we girls always have our fathers wrapped round our little fingers, don’t we?”
“Do we? I thought you said your father beat you when you were naughty.”
Sitara blushed. “Well, occasionally. When I was younger, mostly. Didn’t yours?”
“My father was away for much of the time. He still is. So, no, he never beat me. I’ve often wondered what it would be like.”
“Doesn’t your aunt beat you, Jaya?”
“No, never.” Jaya replied, looking into her cup of tea.
Early the following week, Jaya was as usual working in her aunt’s shop when she saw Hamsani Thankamma approaching.
“Good afternoon, Miss. That’s a lovely sari you’re wearing. That deep blue colour really suits you.”
“Thank you, Jaya. You don’t sell material as well, do you?”
“Er, no. This is just a stationery shop, miss.”
“I’m teasing you again, Jaya.” Hamsani smiled.
Jaya looked down. She felt awkward in this woman’s presence, although she didn’t know why. After a few moments, she recovered her composure and asked: “How can I help you, miss?”
The woman looked up and down the street, apparently checking no-one was near enough to be able to hear their conversation. “It’s a little bit difficult, actually. I expect you’ve met this problem before.”
“Problem, miss?” Jaya appeared baffled as indeed she was.
“I need to buy some canes. Probably at least two, maybe more.”
“Okay. Well, we have a good selection. We sell a lot of them.”
Jaya turned to the canes on display on a table at the front of the shop and stood to one side so the customer could look at them. “They vary from four millimetres thick right up to fourteen millimetres. Which ones would you like?”
Hamsani hesitated. “Which ones would you recommend? My girls are mainly in their later teens.”
“Well, I don’t really know, miss. I suppose the very thin ones would be best suited to younger children. Perhaps something like the eight, the ten or the twelve sizes for older girls?”
“You don’t seem very sure, girl. I’m sorry, I don’t know your name. I feel I need your experience in these matters.”
“My name is Jaya, miss. Jaya Patakala. I’m afraid I have never received a caning.”
Hamsani chuckled. “That wasn’t quite what I meant, Jaya. What I meant was, in your dealings with your other customers, have you learnt which are the best, or perhaps the most popular, of your canes.”
“Yes, of course. I’d say the smaller sizes are more whippy and preferred to those who just want to impose a nasty little sting, whereas the thicker ones are better for a more severe punishment.”
“Which would you prefer to receive, Jaya? If you ever did need to be punished.”
“I suppose I’d prefer the stinging strokes from the thinner canes, miss.”
“Ah, but which would be most effective in making you mend your ways?”
Jaya thought carefully. “I’m really not sure, miss. In some ways the thicker canes might be more bruising but then again the thinner ones would give a sharper sting. Without having experienced either, it’s really hard to say.”
“Perhaps I ought to give you a few strokes with both sorts. Then we’d both know which would be best.”
While Hamsani Thankamma struggled to keep a straight face and thus reveal her teasing, Jaya was deep in thought.
“You are so right, miss.” Jaya jumped, not having seen her friend, Sitara, approaching them. “She is spoilt rotten. It would do her good to have a good thrashing. It might stop her spending so much of her time day-dreaming when she’s supposed to be working.”
Jaya stuck her tongue out at her friend. “Ignore her, miss. She’s just a nasty little trouble-maker.”
“She knows I speak the truth, miss.” Sitara told Hamsani. “Anyway, she’s such a coward she’d run a mile if she thought there was any chance she would be caned.”
“Oh no I wouldn’t!” Jaya declared forthrightly.
“Jaya! Did you deliver those cardboard boxes to Mr Patel? He needed them before three o’clock today.”
Jaya looked round, worried. “Oh, no Aunt Malla! I’m so sorry, I forgot. I’ll do it now.”
“Too late, Jaya. I’ve already had to do it myself. You really are such a dreamer these days. Good job I anticipated you forgetting otherwise we might have lost Mr Patel as a customer.”
“Sorry, Aunt Malla. I don’t know how to make it up to you.”
“Perhaps I ought to let this lady try a couple of canes on you.” Aunt Malla glanced at Hamsani Thankamma, both of them struggling to keep straight faces.
“That’s a very good idea.” Sitara added.
“Okay.” Jaya said, much to everyone’s surprise. What they didn’t realise was that Jaya, too, was finding it difficult to conceal her true feelings. “Can we go into your office to do it, please Aunt Malla? I really don’t think I should be punished in public.
“Jaya. This really isn’t necessary. We’re only teasing you.” Aunt Malla finally let on. Both Hamsani and Sitara looked disappointed, but realised the joke had gone far enough.
“No. Please, Aunt Malla. I’m eighteen now and this is probably my last chance to be punished like a child. It really is something I want to experience.” The expression on Jaya’s face left no-one in any doubt of her sincerity. “And I do deserve it.” She added for good measure.
Sitara, a pretty slim girl like Jaya, looked questioningly at both of the older women. It seemed inappropriate for her to comment, but secretly inside she was urging them to agree.
Aunt Malla shrugged. “If the silly girl wants her backside tanned, then why should I stand in her way?” She told Hamsani Thankamma.
The headmistress hesitated. “I’ve never actually caned anyone in my life before.” She said, with her eye fixed firmly on Jaya.
“Then it will be a good learning experience for both of us.” The girl answered.
“Why don’t you choose the canes, Jaya?” Hamsani suggested. “It somehow seems appropriate you should select the implements with which you are to be punished.”
Jaya immediately turned to the bundles of canes on the table at the front of the shop, looking over them as a child gazes at candy.
“I think I would like to try eight and twelve millimetre examples. They are towards each end of the range without being stupidly inappropriate for someone of my age. Would those be okay with you, miss?”
“They would be fine, Jaya.”
“Okay. Let’s have this one and… this one.” Jaya selected two canes from the relevant bundles and pulled them free. She held them out for Hamsani Thankamma to take.
“They will be fine, Jaya. No, you take them.”
“The office is this way.” Jaya started to lead Hamsani Thankamma towards the back of the shop. Aunt Malla stood back to let them pass, but Sitara followed closely behind the headmistress. They went through a rear storeroom and out through an open rear door, at which point Jaya noticed Sitara was coming with them. “It’s all right, Sitara. You don’t need to come too.”
“Are you kidding? I’m not missing this!” Sitara neatly sidestepped around Jaya and continued round a corner where there was a small wooden building attached to the back of the shop. “Here we are. This is the office.” She announced to Hamsani, and held the door open.
“Sitara!” Jaya protested.
“Oh shut up and get in there!” Sitara gave her friend a push. “You wouldn’t want to deprive me, your best friend, of the chance to see you getting the good hiding you richly deserve.”
“Sitara, this is no time for joking.”
“Who is joking?”
Inside the office, there was little more than a desk, two chairs and a tall wooden cupboard.
Hamsani Thankamma clapped her hands and said: “Stop squabbling, girls. Otherwise there will be two of you to test my new canes on. Put the canes down, Jaya, and let’s get organised.”
“Oh, you’re so strict!” Sitara said dreamily, a broad grin on her face.
Jaya stared at her friend with her bright brown eyes wide open as the reality of what she had let herself in for began to sink in. She placed the two canes down on the desk.
“How are we going to do this?” Hamsani asked.
“Let’s bend her across the desk.” Sitara suggested. “That’s how I get, I mean got, punished by my father. Then we can hold her down if she struggles.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary, will it Jaya?” The headmistress looked uncertainly at Jaya.
Jaya just shook her head.
“But that does seem a good way to proceed.” Hamsani continued. “Let us try the thinner cane first.” She picked up the smaller cane from the desk, placed the other one on a chair and stood clear of the end of the desk to make way for Jaya.
As Jaya hesitated, a ghostly silence permeated throughout the small room and when Sitara licked her dry lips the sound seemed almost deafening. “Oh, for goodness sakes!” Jaya muttered and approached the end of the desk where she leaned down across it.
“Be patient with me, I’ve never done this before.” Hamsani said as she shuffled her feet in order to position herself correctly to apply the first stroke.
“No, no! This is not right.” Sitara held her hand up to stop the headmistress swinging the cane down. “Jaya, you must bend over the desk more, and you’ll never feel a thing through all that clothing.”
To help make it clear what she meant, Sitara pushed Jaya between her shoulder blades forcing her down onto the wooden desk top. Then she lifted Jaya’s pretty blue patterned churidar (an embroidered smock-like garment) and folded it well up the girl’s back. Underneath, Jaya wore pale tan coloured trousers, quite tight fitting like jodhpurs.
“These are too thick. They will have to come down.” Sitara smacked her friend across the bottom.
“Thick?” Jaya protested. “They aren’t at all thick. They are quite thin actually.”
“No matter. Come along. Undo your trousers and I will pull them down for you.”
“This is ridiculous!” Jaya declared, although straight away she began unfastening her trousers. As soon as they became loose, Sitara took hold of the waistband and yanked them down to Jaya’s ankles.
“Ooh! Nice underwear. I’m extremely jealous.” Jaya’s underwear comprised pale blue brief panties hand embroidered with white silk. “Did you do the needlework yourself?”
“Yes, actually.”
“You know, it would be such a shame if it got damaged by the cane whacking your bottom. Don’t you think?”
“Well, yes, I suppose… Hey!”
“Come on, we’re all girls together, aren’t we?” Sitara, in a flash, had slipped Jaya’s knickers down so that her friend’s creamy smooth bottom was totally exposed.
“When you two girls have quite finished, I have two canes to test and other things to do before sundown.” Hamsani Thankamma said testily, although a satisfied smile on her face suggested her irritability was less than genuine.
Sitara responded by smacking Jaya sharply on her bare bottom. “There! She’s at your mercy.”
Jaya scowled at her friend, and even Hamsani gave Sitara an odd look.
“Are you ready, Jaya?” The headmistress asked gently.
“Yes.” Jaya squeaked and braced herself.
Hamsani swung the cane back and sent it forward in an arc that landed in little more than a tap across Jaya’s bottom.
“Gracious me!” Sitara exclaimed. “You’re supposed to be punishing her! Look! There’s hardly a mark on her bottom.”
“Perhaps a little harder?” Hamsani suggested, conscious that Jaya was actually a volunteer for this exercise.
“Okay.” Jaya agreed.
The headmistress swung the cane further back and swung it sharply across Jaya’s bare bottom where it landed with quite a sharp crack.
“Oooww!!” Jaya cried, at the same time smiling excitedly at Sitara.
“Stronger! Use more force!” Encouraged Sitara.
Hamsani willingly complied with the suggestion and quickly delivered an even harder stroke.
“Yeeeooww!!” Jaya cried out. “That really stings!”
“It’s supposed to.” Her friend replied. “These thinner canes really do smart. Sometimes I think they’re worse than the thicker ones.”
“I can see little red lines on your bottom, Jaya.” Hamsani added. “Where the cane has smacked your bottom.”
“Oh, that’s nothing.” Sitara said contemptuously. “Give her a few more and really lay it on good.”
“You reckon?” Hamsani asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. Instead she delivered five firm strokes in quick succession, although she concentrated hard on spreading them out down Jaya’s firm young bottom.
“Ouch! Ouucchh!! Oooww!! Aaaaahh!! Yeeeoouch!!”
“That’s much better.” Sitara encouraged. “Keep going.”
“Hold on one moment!” Jaya protested. “We are only trying these canes out. I can assure you the thinner one works very well indeed.”
Hamsani Thankamma chuckled. “Sorry, Jaya. Perhaps we were getting a little carried away there. If you’ll bear with us, I’ll try the thicker cane now.”
“Okay.” While Hamsani changed canes, Jaya took the opportunity the ease herself up from the desk and rub her sore bottom. She also found time to glare angrily at Sitara when her friend grinned at her.
“Okay, when you’re ready Jaya.” The headmistress returned to her position and looked down at Jaya’s bare bottom, now criss-crossed with several thin but sore looking red lines.
Jaya blushed as she looked round and caught Hamsani looking down at her bare bottom. At the same time, Jaya also noted the rather thicker and firmer looking rod with which she was about to be chastised. Nonetheless, she dutifully flopped back down across the desk and offered her bottom up for punishment.
“Good girl.” Hamsani commented as she lined up another stroke, brought the cane back and then sent it down with a sharp jerk of her arm.
“Unh!” Jaya grunted.
“It’s certainly less whippy and perhaps a little better to control.” Hamsani explained to no-one in particular.
“Rather duller whack too.” Jaya added.
“Perhaps you should try hitting a bit harder.” Sitara suggested, and immediately attracted another of her friend’s angry glares.
Hamsani ignored Sitara and sent another similar stroke rattling down across Jaya’s bare bottom.
The next stroke was indeed a little harder, but still brought little more than a grunt from the bending girl.
“Ooh! You’re bottom is getting quite red, Jaya. Does this cane not hurt as much as the thinner one?” Hamsani asked.
“It’s different.” Jaya explained. “Not as sharp and stingy, more of a duller longer lasting pain.”
“Let’s try another couple.” Hamsani raised the cane rather higher and delivered a harder whack across Jaya’s bare bottom, followed in quite quick succession by a second similarly hard stroke.
“Aaaahh!! Ooooohhhh!! That hurts!”
“Your bottom is getting very red, Jaya.” Sitara told her. “Really very red indeed.”
“I think two more, then we will call it a day.” Hamsani decided.
“Oooocchh!!” The headmistress brought the cane sharply down before Jaya was really expecting it. She kept herself on guard for the final one.
“Aaaaaahh!” Jaya gasped as the cane struck her fine naked backside for the final time. Immediately she eased herself up from the hard wooden desk top and began rubbing her bottom frantically.
“Are you okay, Jaya?” Hamsani asked, a little worried by the girl’s reaction.
“She’s fine.” Sitara answered for her friend. “She might need a cushion to sit on later though.” Sitara failed to disguise a broad grin as she spoke.
“This isn’t funny!” Jaya exclaimed as she pulled up her underwear and her trousers. “My bottom is damn well sore!”
“I’m sorry but you looked so cute with your well smacked bottom on display.”
“Cute!” Jaya exclaimed. “Cute?”
“Come along, girls.” Hamsani Thankamma brought a hint of authority to quieten the two friends and prevent any unpleasantness that might have ensued. “I think I prefer the thinner, more whippy canes actually. Jaya, in view of your admirable assistance I will take a dozen of them, plus just two of the thicker ones in case I get a really difficult student who needs something a bit firmer.”
With Jaya now fully dressed, Hamsani led them back to the front of the shop where Jaya was able to fill her customer’s order.
“We can make that Rs 120/-, miss. We can allow some discount because of your very kind and sizeable order.”
“You’re very kind, Jaya, and many thanks for your wonderful assistance.” The headmistress said as she handed over the cash.
“You’ve made a good friend there.” Sitara told her friend when the headmistress was walking away down the street and safely out of earshot.
“You think so?”
“Oh yes. She’ll be back to buy plenty more goods from you. You just wait and see.”

“I hope she needs stuff like paper and pens long before she needs some more canes.” Jaya answered, rubbing her bottom tenderly.